Cell Phone Tower for McDougall

McDougall Church has again been approached by Telus to ascertain if we are interested in having a cell phone tower on our property. Council has requested Trustees to enter into negotiations with Telus regarding this proposal. We have now received a draft lease agreement which we expect to counter with more agreeable terms and acceptable compensation. We also received draft drawings and photographic simulations of what the tower would look like, which are included at the end of this notice. Your comments and suggestions regarding the location and design of this tower would be appreciated. Since parking lot space is limited, a single pole design is preferred which occupies a smaller footprint than a tri pole. If no design suitable to McDougall members and the community can be found, and if we are not able to arrive at acceptable terms, there will be no tower. Contact Barrie Clayton or any Trustee with questions or comments. Your assistance and advice is appreciated.


Feed the Hungry: On-Call Volunteers Wanted


2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 3, Phil Edwards