Camp Kasota Wrap Up - With Pictures

This past weekend, June 7 - 9, 2024 was our annual Family Camp weekend at Camp Kastota West on Sylvan Lake. The weather may have been colder than we liked but campers had a great time eating delicious food, staying warm by the campfire, sharing talents at the Talent Show, nature walk and more.

A big thank you should go out to our amazing organizers; Stephanie Hawes and Sarah Lambert, who joined Rev. Danah Cox and myself (Sarah Reuangrith) in getting all the details organized for camp. We are looking for some people to join our team for next year, if you are interested please get in touch.

Thank you to everyone who attended the camp, we were so privileged to get to know such an amazing group of campers. Everyone was wonderful about pitching in either cooking or cleaning as well as all the little details that make camp work.

Please enjoy some of the pictures that were taken by our campers. Thank you for sending them in. If you took pictures and want them included below please send them to me (

To learn more about Family Camp, please visit our Camp Kasota webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson