A Charlie Brown Christmas: Auditions Extended- All Are Welcome!

Greetings McDougall United Friends, and Community!

We have had some wonderful auditions for A Charlie Brown Christmas already but we still need some actors and behind the scenes help to get this off and rolling.

We have decided to extend auditions by one week. This means that casting will be decided by next Friday, October 21st and the first rehearsal will be Sunday October 23rd at 1PM.

Please feel free to submit a short audition video that shows your expression. This can be anything from your favorite book, movie line, tv show, a song, or even something of your own creation!

Alternatively, if the stage is not your happy place but you love the world of theatre we always have a place for you!

If you are handy or artistic you could help out with sets, props, or costumes.

If you are more technically inclined we'd love to have you on our tech team!

It takes a whole community of people with unique talents and abilities and just ask anyone who has been in productions before, it is a really special experience putting on a show together.

Audition videos can be sent to office@mcdunited.com as well as any questions about the play or how you would like to participate.

Thanks so much and we are so looking forward to hearing from you!

​Jennifer Heidebrecht


Intergenerational Club: Registration Closes October 26, 2022


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