2022 - Q1 Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Quarterly Report

Mission & Service 2021 – The United Church of Canada – Check out the exciting programs funded by your Mission & Service at work.  Go online to the United Church of Canada. 

McDougall M & S Donations to Feb. 28/22 - $4,531.66 which compares to $4,882.24 for 2021 

The United Church of Canada Appeal for Ukraine – ACT – Churches in Partnership

“The United Church of Canada is committed to working in partnership. We are responding to the crisis in Ukraine with Mission & Service partners ACT Alliance and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, we have joined the Humanitarian Coalition to call on Canadians to show tangible support for the people of Ukraine.”  

Good Friday Feast Day Hampers for Morley Elders 

Good News: McDougall received a Government of Canada Food Security Grant of $15,000.00 to provide food hampers for Elders at Morley and Eden Valley.  Tony Snow and Gloria Snow are organizing the detailed work of organizing and distributing the hampers. Hampers will be distributed on a regular basis – Volunteers will be needed to assist in this work. 

Volunteers Needed! Maundy Thursday of Holy Week

 Meet at 11:00 am in Hospitality Hall on Thursday, April 14 to pack hampers. 

Come and help pack 22 hampers.  If enough people show up, we should be done by noon hour.   

This is a great way to do the work of Lent: “Prayer, Fasting, almsgiving and reading and meditating on the word of God.” 

Promoting Urban Indigenous Ministry in Calgary 

Good News: The United Church of Canada Urban Indigenous Ministry Grant of $10,000.00 

Red Dress Day – Thursday, May 5th 

Meet the Indigenous Visit to Alberta of the Hawaii Indigenous Vancouver School of Theology Group who are leading a worship service at Rundle United Church, Banff -  5:00 pm on Thursday May 8 to be live-streamed to the Chinook Winds Regional Meeting at Gaetz United in Red Deer

  • McDougall members are invited to join in the livestreamed broadcast for that day – the Red Dress by the McDougall Tipi will be taken to the Chinook Winds meeting as part of the commemoration.

Get Involved in the September Indigenous Ministry Plans: 

Thursday, September 22 – Treaty Day Activities

  • Blanket Exercises will be offered again

  • Decolonization Conversations

  • Land Acknowledgement Conversations 

Friday, September 30 – Reconciliation Day National Observance

  • Events recognizing this National Day of Reconciliation 

Tuesday, October 4 – Sisters in the Spirit Day

  • October 4 declared by the Government of Alberta as a Vigil Day for “Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women

  • Wellness Workshops and Memorial Feast planned 

Acadia Pantry – 3rd Tuesday of the month

Acadia Pantry is recruiting 50 donors to come onside to be “Acadia Pantry Supporters” – your gifts will supplement the hampers providing fresh food and protein.  For more information, how you can become an “Acadia Pantry” Supporter, check out the McDougall United website or email: acadiapantry@gmail.com 

Refugee Project Update– Marjorie MacRae – 

“Because both of our Angolan families are now self-supporting, we were able to ask the Centre for Newcomers to recommend an Afghan family that needed extra help. They referred us to a family who arrived in Canada from Kabul on August 24, 2021; that is 9 days after the city was captured by the Taliban.  They arrived with the clothes on their backs and one small suitcase.  They are government assisted refugees with permanent resident status – the husband was a translator for the Canadian government, his wife is a beginner.  This means they are eligible for government services, ESL training and funding for the first year. They have 4 children – three boys 14, 11, 9 and a girl 15 months.”

-Ukrainian Refugees – it was suggested that future follow include partnerships with St. Stephen’s Ukrainian Catholic Church who have a well-organized program.

Messy Church Planning & Programs– Sarah R. reported that the planning team hosts ten households for an Easter program on the second Saturday of April and tentatively planning a drumming circle for the May gathering. 

Habitat for Humanity - Jim Porter noted that a milestone had been reached by the Southern Alberta Habitat for Humanity – 1000 children housed (340 Families) – 32 units in Silver Springs are planned – 16 are already settled. 

Affirm Vision Standing Committee – Tara Jorgensen reported that for P.I.E. day on Sunday, March 13 – she passed out pie pieces to the congregation to take home and enjoy. 

Next Program: Affirming Leaders Day 2022: Embracing Growth Join four outstanding leaders via zoom on Saturday, May 14, 9:00 – 4:00 for $25.00. Register online at affirmingconnections.com.  

Next Meeting – Monday, May 30, 7:00 pm – If you would be interested in learning more about the McDougall Outreach & Social Justice ministry join us on zoom.  Contact Team Leader Bob Mutlow at rwmutlow@outlook.com for more information.


2022 - Q1 Operations First Quarter Report, January to March 2022


Letter from Ukraine