2024 McDougall Scholarship Winners - Part 1

We are very excited to announce that this year, we have seven recipients of the McDougall Scholarship. Each of our winners will receive a $1,000 to be put towards their education. During the service on June 30th, we will be recognizing each of these recipients, we hope that you will come to meet them.

In the meantime we wanted to let you know a little bit about how are winners are connected to the church. This will be done in two parts.

2024 Winners - Part 1

Ummul Saadeeyah Abdul Malik

Daughter of Christine Kennedy

Luke Haisa

Sponsored by Rev. Bill Weaver

Aston Wayne Medhurst

Grandson of Marianne and Wayne Medhurst.

Jake Thomas Schafer

Grandson of Marilyn Agnew and Great Grandson of Margaret Agnew

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Please check back next week to meet the rest of our recipients.

To learn more about the McDougall Scholarship, please visit the Scholarship Webpage.

Be sure to attend the June 30th service at 10:30 am to meet some of our winners in person.


Email Blast - Summer Schedule


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson