2023 - Q1 Property Report

The main elevator to the lower level requires a $7000 repair to make it functional again. This will be completed as soon as parts are available.

One of the 3 in line hot water heaters is no longer functioning, however, there seems to be sufficient hot water for now, so replacement is on hold pending further problems.

The lease with Jesus Baptist Church Calgary (Korean church downstairs) has been renewed for 5 years for essentially the same space as was originally leased. They will now use Sarah Hall instead of Ruth Hall.

Water leaks through the ceiling in the hallway should be resolved when the flat roof is repaired/replaced next spring.

Components of the outdoor lighting systems which have not been working properly this winter are in process of being repaired or replaced.

The door locking system installed in 2006 will be upgraded in summer 2023 to a key fob entry system. More information will be provided to users and user groups later when the system is installed.

Barrie Clayton/ John Naylor, property leads


2023 - Q1 Outreach & Social Justice Quarterly Report – Easter 2023 


McDougall United Scholarship is Open for 2023