2023 - Q1 Outreach & Social Justice Quarterly Report – Easter 2023 

McDougall Right Relations Update – Good News! Shauna Kennedy, our “Grant Writer” has volunteered to take on the role of Right Relations Team Lead.  She will be supported by Bookkeeper Marilyn Bates and long-time Witness, Marilyn Agnew.  June Clarke volunteered to be a special events helper.  Together they will work with the Rev. Tony Snow and Teresa Snow, who is completing her practicum in Indian Social Work. If you would like to be part of the Right Relations team, please contact the church office.  

2023 Right Relations upcoming programs include:

  • United Church Healing Fund Grant – Our Right Relations team were encouraged to re-apply for a Healing Fund Grant focusing on Indigenous programing at McDougall. Watch for more information!

  • Mural Project – “Nature Speaks to Us” – Reconciliation Mural! Sign up today to be part of the mural painting project on the foyer wall where the bulletin board now hangs when you enter the west doors of the church. Sign up times include Sunday, April 30th following worship and Saturday, May 13, 4:00 – 6:00 during Open Table. Register through the McDougall Website.

  • May 5th Red Dress Pin Making Workshop with Teresa Snow – Indigenous family members are invited to come and remember their “Murdered & Missing Women” as they make a pin to wear and commemorate their loved one.

  • Reconciliation Tipi Banner June Celebration:Why a Tipi in the Sanctuary?”  You may be one of the flock wondering why there is a tipi in our worship space? The short answer is that the Reconciliation Tipi is a reminder of McDougall’s commitment to Right Relations.  On a very practical basis it is used on a regular basis for the workshops offered and as a back drop for video taping of programs promoted throughout the Chinook Winds Region. The longer answer is that our name – McDougall United connects us with the Methodist Morley Mission started in 1873 by the Rev. John McDougall with all the back story that led to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the “94 Calls to Action.”

  • Treaty 7 Day – September 22 & Orange Shirt Day – September 30th – Watch for the Dedication of the Mural, a Feast and Circle Dance – tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 24th.

  • September Right Relations Fund Raising – You will be invited to support the McDougall Right Relations Team by using a special envelope to help fund upcoming programs.

April is Acadia Food Pantry Fund Raising Month

2023 is the 4th anniversary of the Acadia Food Pantry - a joint project of the Acadia Community Network, Lutheran Church of Our Savior, Moravian Church of Christ and McDougall United to provide monthly food for the community.  The need has grown with about 53 households, which includes about 167 individuals coming on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.  The April campaign includes a Palm Sunday Luncheon at McDougall and later at Christ Moravian and an Information Table at the Lutheran Church of our Savior.  100% of the funds raised will be used to purchase food to supplement what is picked up by volunteers at the SPINZ-A-ROUND warehouse of end-of-shelf-life food collected from the grocery stores.  Supplies are often limited, and the extra funds are used to buy fresh vegetables, eggs, milk and frozen meat. You are encouraged to drop by at noon hour on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to see the volunteer team at work. For more information on the program and how you can get involved, Email: acadiapantry@shaw.ca.

Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Projects & EventsMcDougall Website

  • McDougal/Christ Moravian Refugee Project,” Since 2016 with your support our group has supported 7 refugee families in various ways depending on their needs. Currently most of our attention is on our family of 6 from Afghanistan. Meanwhile our two Angolan families have been waiting for six months to hear if the federal government will grant their final appeal and allow them to stay in Canada. They originally applied more than three years ago. The recent closure of the Roxham Road border crossing in Quebec and the drownings of 8 people who were trying to cross back into the United States because the Canadian government was going to deport them to their homeland highlights the desperation of refugees wanting to stay in our country.   

  • Open Table (formerly called, “Messy Church”) – meal and program, which reaches a different age group and population to our Sunday morning group. You are encouraged to sign up and take part in the meal and programs, normally offered on the 2nd Saturday of the month.

  • Calgary Interfaith Council Mayor’s Breakfast – Saturday, May 4, 8:00- 10:30 am at the DoubleTree Hilton 2120 , 16th Av. NE.  Cost is $10.00 for members of the Calgary Interfaith Council (Sign up today) or $20.00 for non-members.  Guest Speaker, Dr. Elder Grandmother Doreen Spence, OC – “We Are Under One Creator.”  Meet the mayor for breakfast!

  • United Church of Canada “Anti-Racism” – go online to the national Church and learn more about how you can become join the “Anti-Racist” program.

Mission & Service Fund – the United Church of Canada – Your Gifts Make a Difference!

  • United Church Ukrainian Appeal – $1.5 million was given for the emergency appeal!

  • 2022 Mission & Service Funds Givings - $24.5 million was raised by direct gifts, congregational giving, special gifts and support from the United Church Women

  • Bequests & Other Planned Gifts totaled - $1.8 million

Prepared by Bob Mutlow – Outreach & Social Justice Lead


Meet Your Leadership Council: Phil Edwards - McDougall Foundation Chair


2023 - Q1 Property Report