2023 - Q1 Operations Quarterly Report

During the first quarter of 2023, the Operations Working Group met via Zoom on January 9th, February 16th, and March 16th. These meetings were attended by Joanne Pritchard (Lead), Mari Crosier (Convenor), Norma May  (Treasurer), Bruce Munro (Member-at-Large/Assistant Treasurer), Peggy Jorgensen (M&P Lead) and either Barry Clayton or John Naylor (Co- leads of Property). Rev. Bob Mutlow, Rev.  Tony Snow  and Marylyn  Bates participated at the January Operations meeting to provide input related to the Outreach and Social Justice items on the Agenda. 

During this quarter, Operation provided oversight, made decisions and took action on Agenda items brought forward in the following areas:


  • the year-end external financial review 

  • updates to CRA regarding church financial officers

  • timeline for making budget line name changes to align with the changes to our governance structure. 

  • the 2023 draft budget that was presented at the January Leadership Council meeting and the AGM in February

Ministry and Personnel

  • service contracts for our music leaders

  • the proposed new term contract for the Community of Faith Support Worker

  • the request from Rev. Joanne to temporarily reduce her working hours in the area of pastoral care 


  • the lease renewal for the Jesus Baptist Church’s rental of space in the church basement.

  • the upgrade to the church security/ door-locking system

  • Roof repair 

Outreach and Social Justice Ministry Team

  • the Reconciliation Tipi

  • the grant application to the UCC Healing Fund for 2023 reconciliation projects in partnership with Rev. Tony Snow, Chinook Winds Indigenous Minister

For more details about any of these Operations Agenda items, the Record of Business Notes for the first quarter meetings in 2023 can be found aby following this Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HrCr-YyzpEi9mNLpn9iTqfaZbqgO17Po?usp=sharing or contact Joanne Pritchard, Operations Lead

To learn more about Operations, please visit the Operations Webpage.


Meet Your Leadership Council: Daren Patterson - Co-Chair Leadership Council 


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (April 2023)