2022 - Q3 Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report July 2022 – September 2022

A brief synopsis of my Sabbatical (May through July).  I had intended to take two extended courses on Orthodox theology.  However, after the first few weeks of the first course, I realized that the style of teaching and the goals of the courses (training Orthodox lay workers) did not align with my hopes for my Sabbatical.  Instead, I enrolled in several classes at VST and one at St. Andrews.  The courses I took were:

  1. The Church – through the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies;

  2. Video Production (not going to be a film maker I decided!) through SAIT Continuing Ed;

  3. Hawking, Dawkins and God about Science and Faith through VST;

  4. Religious Community in a Digital World through St. Andrews;

  5. The Gospel of Mark: A Political Theological Bible Study through VST; and

  6. Open & Relational God (on Process Theology) at VST.

Between courses, I relaxed, did some reading and camping and travelling.  Mostly, I just practiced a different rhythm of being which was so refreshing after the years of COVID!  Thank you to the congregation for making this possible. 

I returned from my Sabbatical the first two weeks in August.  During that time, we met as staff to plan for the Fall and I did worship theme planning until Christmas.  I did a few pastoral care calls, but mostly I just got caught up on what was going on at McDougall after being away for 3 months!

For my study leave, in August,  I took a course called Soil, Roots, and Pathways: The Radical Ethos of Eastern Orthodoxy.  I have been very interested in Eastern Orthodox theology, and this course was a great introduction!  The  most important learning is that the Orthodox tradition is not so much interested in a theology of God, as a theology of what it means to be human as experienced in Jesus.  Profound shift!

After that, we were on holidays in Montreal until September 9th as we took our daughter to Concordia to begin the school year.  Montreal was amazing.  You can really see the influence the church has had on Quebec culture!

These are the highlights for September.


  1. We held a McDougall 60th Anniversary “Welcome Back” event on September 18th.  The event included a BBQ, a bouncy castle, and a sing-along of music through the decades of McDougall’s history.  The service and event were well – attended.  It was the first time since the pandemic began that I could see how  McDougall could once again thrive.  Thanks to the staff who put in so much love and effort into making sure this event was a success.  Thanks also to the volunteers who made it all possible!

  2. Tony Snow lead a Blanket Exercise (which traces the history of colonization in an interactive way) and we had a stew supper.  60+ people attended the event, many from the Acadia and area community.  T-Shirts were sold with the logo Every Child Matters.  It was a great learning event.  Thanks to the Right Relations Team for making this happen.


  1. We began our Wednesday staff meetings again.  Lots is happening, and this is a way to keep everyone in the loop.

  2. Leadership Council met on September 13th.  This was our first in person meeting since COVID.  It is great to sit around a table and interact in person!  I am amazed at the talent and commitment of all those sitting around the table.

  3. I returned to the Operations Working Group meetings – so much happening and so great to be partnering with such great leadership.

  4. I continue to serve on Chinook Winds Regional Executive.  I have taken on the roll of Presider for the region.  This just means I will work more closely with Treena Duncan, our Chinook Winds Executive Minister, and help plan and preside over the annual regional meeting.  


  1. Thanks to Bill, Danah and Nik for their leadership in worship while I was away.  Bill, in particular, took on the role of Worship Leader for most of the services, and I appreciate the partnership we have with Ogden United which made this possible.

  2. In September we are in the Season of Creation and so our worship has centered on the Earth and all creation.  

  3. We welcomed Justin Macosky as our new Choral director.  His leadership has been warm and inspiring.  He is lovely to work with and very flexible, so I know he will become a great part of our team going forward.


  1. I continue to make pastoral care calls and visits each week.  The needs of the congregation are becoming more evident as we emerge out of COVID.  Danah has been developing a structure to ensure that all needs are acknowledged and followed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Anquist


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