2022 - Q1 First Quarter Treasurer’s report

The January to March period is a busy time for financial reports with the 2021 financial year end statement for the AGM in February and the United Church of Canada Statistics report due in early March.

That period is now complete and its time for a look at where McDougall is in the 2022 Budget year. Bruce Munro, budget resource person, prepared the 1st Quarter Financial Report. It highlights that overall, McDougall is presently in an expected deficit position of $11,091 that is slightly less than what was predicted in the 2022 budget ($15,810).

Noticeably, the Building & Grounds spending has exceeded the expected budget due to HVAC and elevator repairs occurring sooner than expected. As well the projects mentioned in the Trustees report in the 2021 Annual Report are moving forward e.g., repair to the exterior stucco damages caused by Northern Flicker attacks. More of the necessary repairs mentioned in the Annual Report are in the planning stages.  Thanks to Barrie Clayton for overseeing this work.

You can view the financial report here.

Thank you, Bruce, for your budgeting skills,


Norma May, Treasurer


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