2022 - Q1 Community and Family Minister Quarterly Report, January – March 2022

Over these past few months I feel that much of my ministry has finally gotten past the initial phase of my “getting to know the lay of the land”, and I have actually begin  engaging some ideas I have, and more firmly plan the future of my ministry. I cannot  express how good this makes me feel, as I feel confident in the ideas I have, and to start establishing ministry initiatives.  

Further, I am heartened by the volunteering support I have received over these past few months from several members of the congregation. This too is exciting to me, as I feel it really helps to build the “platform” I mentioned I would need in my last report. 



While certainly there was room for improvement, I see an extreme value in the format  that E,T,P used.  

With a nice meal being served, interesting discussion had, and engaging activities performed, this program had ways of feeding body, mind and Spirit. I believe that this could likely become a self-sustaining model for present members to enjoy, and also be a way to draw in folks from the larger community.  

Given the different nature of our gifts, I also see this format as one that draws from Joanne and my separate strengths, and likely one of the few that merit both MUC ministers attention. This point was driven home to me when I was called on to do two of the six events by myself, (when Joanne away with her class), which caused me to spend too much time on its preparation and execution of all three elements. 

Going forward, Joanne and I have plans to use this model in the fall.  


The three session I hosted while Joanne was away was a wonderful way to meet with many established members of MUC. Truly, given the nature and timing of my arrival,  (without a coveting service, or time spent after service in fellowship), something as simple as spending time with this group with a more relaxed agenda was a blessing.  It’s freeform nature a provided a time to just “be” with members of the congregation,  thus allowing for a more organic understanding of each other.


With Aileens sudden departure, and all the work done over Advent, (plus my bout with covid) I decided to skip January messy church.  

I think this was a wise choice, as the time Sarah and I spent planning in January has made the last two events wonderful, both in how engaging it has been to those who have attended and by what we learned in the process to make it easier to do.  

Further, it gave us time to work on planning events far in advance, as well as  connecting it to other aspects of MUC larger ministry, (we have worked with the right  relations group to secure an indigenous event for May). This planning has also help me to see the need to continue without interruption to the end of 2022.  

I believed doing it every second Saturday will allow us to build much needed momentum as we come out of Covid (yes, still fingers crossed on that). With this  months event being at full capacity, it seems that strategy already paying off.  

Going forward, we will be working on slowly rebranding Messy Church to fit into a  larger strategy that Joanne A. and I are considering for weekly Saturday events  starting in the fall. 


Having Aileen volunteer to help to pull this together was wonderful gift. With her in  lead, for the most part I have just been meeting/emailing with her and Sarah R. as a  means to understand how to take it over next year (in the event that Aileen would not be available).  

My hope is to spend the weekend with the group at Kasota, but that is subject to my  gaining a better understanding the obligations of my role as full time minister over  the summer during Joanne’s sabbatical.  


Again, I am heartened with the help I have received from Peggy J. and Joanne P in  beginning to get the downstairs supply/crafts/ room becoming somewhat organized, as given it not a viable place to bring little ones. 

And while having a “set space” downstairs will certainly make my set up a 1,000 times easier, as I will not need to set a room and haul up supplies into whatever space I use  every Sunday. As the messy state of my office attests, it has not been easy ferry supplies up and down the stairs. 

Yet, even with a space made ready (both Art studio space and kids room), I still see a  dilemma in needing a constant volunteer to maintain “safe church policy”. Because without certainty of another person going with me, I cannot build a consistent plan to go downstairs with the children.  

I am working on a solution to this, and am confident that I will be able to present a solution by the end of this month, and certainly by next quarters report. 


While this project will be on my next report as well, I did spend much time this past 6 weeks planning how to do this in a way that uses input from congregants, and the few very young children attending on Sunday.  

Given that we had done it last year, (and because of Joanne’s suggesting it) I also felt  somewhat obliged to continue the tradition. It also seemed important to also  incorporate the images created then. I believe that the idea I came up with does allow for attention to all these considerations, and hopefully it will be something that the  community enjoys. But, given that it is still very far from being done….I suppose the  proof will be in the pudding. : )  


Between countless emails, seemingly endless meetings, (both formal ones, as well as meeting with individuals on planning and understanding how/what to implement my ideas), looking to get volunteers on board, working on plans for the summer above and beyond the internship, this is still by far the hardest thing for me to manage given my part time status.  

Please understand this as less of a complaint, and more a feeling of consternation at the time needed to put in place the full throated ministry I hope to engage in. I truly look forward to the summer months,(and the 40 hours) because, while I do believe it will put some of my ideas on hold, I will not see the need to partition off my time to not continually go beyond the .5 allotted.  

Additionally, over these past few months I have been working on the different aspects  of getting things in line to take on the responsibility of supervising a summer intern from Ambrose Seminary, (Nik Sloat). This has evolved many steps of coordination with Ambrose, MUC, Chinook winds, and Nik himself.  

I believe this will be a fruitful endeavor, and one that will be well worth the work I  have done these past three months.


I have attended every Sunday service since I arrived, and more often than not, have had a role in the service. This included several Sundays of my doing prayers of the people, announcements, and preaching.  

I am thankful for the time that I have spent participating in and observing of worship,  as it really helps to witness how McDougall approaches Sunday service, and too  understand the preparation needed before hand. I.e. who to get the hymns and  PowerPoint info to, when things are needed, and how to approach and reach out to  different numbers for participation. 


I've been meeting with several members of the church, (both young and old, at home and in hospital, and in coordination with Joanne as to not overlap), and believe that while this is an area that I need to improve upon, (as far as time management goes),  some of my work I believe actually has been very helpful to several members.  

As example, one member has even begun working in the art studio with me, and the  plan is to continue this through the summer as they finish a project they are working on. A project that in itself is a sort of pastoral care endeavor for them, and one in which I can provide guidance and support. 

Of course pastoral care takes on subtle elements, and often I feel that events such as  messy church, and working with children on Sunday, are laying the groundwork for my ability to do authentic pastoral care going forward. 

A big part of my work over the next few months will build on what I learned, as I will  continue to be investigating methods and approaches for helping to equip members to do some pastoral care going forward.  

My main emphasis being too improve upon what we are already doing, and also put in place systems that will help to ensure we are taking advantage of all the different  aspects of pastoral care that are already in motion at McDougall United.  

Again, while I have made some inroads in this in my mind, I feel that it needs more  attention in future. Because while some framework is in coming into place, the truth is it still feels a little bit like herding cats. Again, given my full time commitment over the summer, I believe that I will not only be able to become more able to provide  traditional pastoral care, but also help to implement strategies that Joanne and I have been discussing.

In closing I would add that, while much less so lately, I still see my ministry at MUC as  a work in progress. As such, I want to make clear I welcome comments as to this  report, as well as the aspects of my present ministry, and the ones I am hoping to  build. 

Respectfully submitted by,  

Reverend Danah Cox


Refugee Update: 4 Children are Canadian Citizens


COVID Update: Coffee Time Returns, Mask Wearing in Sanctuary Mandatory