Congregational Survey Update and Plans for a Sustainable Future 

Last fall over 80 people participated in the congregational survey which asked you about your current and future priorities. The Planning Group (Joanne Anquist,  Marilyn Bates, Barrie Clayton, Marjorie MacRae (team lead), Claire Myers, Donna Paynter and Bess Penney) reviewed the results and identified three challenges – the pandemic, our aging congregation and financial stability. In response the group has created a two year plan whose goals are to create a vibrant and relevant church which is financially sustainable. On Jan. 12 the Leadership Council reviewed the first draft of this plan and supported the following initiatives:

  • more opportunities to participate in small groups to nurture Christian faith

  • a external review of office administration to identify efficiencies

  • when restrictions ease, taking a stronger marketing approach to renting facilities now vacant as a result of the departure of our major tenant

  • reviewing the Messy Church, Sunday Morning Children’s Program and the Youth Programs.

The Planning Group will present further recommendations on a sustainable two year plan to the Leadership Council on Feb. 11. Direction from Leadership Council regarding the two year plan will be tabled at the Feb. 21 AGM and presented for approval at the congregational meeting on March 7. 

We recognize that zoom has its limitations. After the AGM we encourage you to ask any questions about this plan by directly contacting Leadership Council Co-chairs Joanne Pritchard and Daren Patterson, members of the Planning Group listed above, or by participating in one of the zoom meetings to be held between the AGM meeting on Feb. 21 and the congregational meeting on Sunday March 7. 
Marjorie MacRae
Team Lead, Planning Group  


Small Group Connection Idea from Pastoral Care


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