Coffee, socialize, discuss and connect to a online Zoom sessions.

Contact the office for the zoom meeting link 403-252-1620.

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Sunday Coffee Fellowship Time

This is a time to bring coffee, tea, or favorite drink and join in the conversation and connect with our McDougall Community.

Sundays at 10 am
Please note change of time. We will be visiting before the worship service as the new start time for in-person worship and live streaming is 10 am.

When we have 10 or more people join us for conversation, we will divide into break out rooms so folks can visit with a smaller number of people each week. This will allow for the smaller conversations that usually happen around the table when we are in person.

Email the office for the link: Office

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Friday Morning Coffee Time

A chance Socialize with friends. Plus a small discussion on a Broadview Magazine Article.

Fridays at 11 am

Hosted by: Rev. Joanne Anquist