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Camp Kasota: Fundraising Lunch

We hope that you will join us after the service for a fundraising lunch put on by the Camp Kasota Team.

You will get a “Taste of Kasota” where we will be serving: pancakes, eggs, fruit salad with syrup and whipped cream.

All money raised will support the family camp that is happening June 9 – 11, 2023. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

To learn more about our Camp Kasota weekend, please visit our webpage.

The first Sunday of each month we are trying to connect people who don’t come to church due to not driving with people willing to pick them up (if you are interested in being a driver or being picked up please email the office). Many of these people live in retirement homes and they may miss lunch. That said, we will be offering meals following the service once a month. We encourage you to join us in Hospitality Hall following the service.

March 5

Sunday Morning Worship Service

March 6

Homeschool Meet Up Group