Read to the bottom for an update
This year McDougall is responsible for providing 10-12 volunteers and $3000.00 for the Sunday, September 26th dinner at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall. Feed the Hungry will be continuing to provide bagged lunches to guests from outside the Cathedral Hall to protect its guests and volunteers. We will need 10-12 volunteers to help prepare approximately 500 bagged lunches in one shift from 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm. If you are interested in volunteering on September 26th, please email Daren Patterson at as there will not be a sign-up sheet this year.
Additionally, we still need to raise our financial commitment of $3000.00. If you would like to donate you can go to the church website, click on GIVE, and then DONATE. Once the screen appears click on the large green donate button, then, go to the first drop-down list and choose "Feed the Hungry".
You can also click on TEXT to get information for McDougall’s unique text giving number:855-338-0678 to donate and you will see the same drop-down list.
Of course, you can always mail a cheque to the church with your Feed the Hungry donation.
Thank you for your continued support of this worthwhile outreach project,
Daren Patterson
Update August 19, 2021
Thank you to everyone who has expressed an interest in volunteering or financially supporting the Feed the Hungry program.
Currently we are approximately 1/3 of the way to reaching our financial commitment of $3000.00. If you would like to donate you can use one of the following:
Go to the church website, click on GIVE, and then DONATE. Once the screen appears click on the large green DONATE button, then, go to the first drop-down list and choose "Feed the Hungry".
You can also click on TEXT to get information for McDougall’s unique text giving number:855-338-0678 to donate and you will see the same drop-down list.
Of course, you can always mail a cheque to the church with your Feed the Hungry donation
A huge THANK YOU to Aileen Berridge for organizing a bottle drive on August 21 to raise funds for Feed the Hungry. It is a great way to meet our financial goal.
Thank you for your continued support of this worthwhile Outreach program,
Daren Patterson