A Prayer by Rachel

A Prayer by Rachel Myers-Jordan


Loving Creator,

As we gather ourselves in prayer,

May we take this as a sign that everyone here and at home is connected by your love.

The love and care we have for you extends to everyone in our community of faith.

As we share the love we have for each other, may you guide us to loving the people you will bring into our lives.

Love is a deep and meaningful emotion. 

It connects us to all beings.

Everything in Creation has the potential to be loved.

Help us to care for nature, the trees, birds, and seeds.

Send caring love to those who are sick.

Comforting love to those who are dying.

Loving joy to the caregivers and front-line workers.

Gather our loving words we share with those we visit through phone or video chat. 

Guide our leaders as they develop ways to reopen the services we depend on and places we can visit.

Pentecost was a time of fear and apprehension for the disciples.

Please guide us as you guided them during this challenging time in our lives.

Help us find the little things in life to celebrate.

Guide us to those who need support in our community and surrounding area.

May you guide the Spirit to work through us. 

Together we are stronger than alone, 

You are always with us,

Grow us closer to walking in The Way Jesus taught us to walk. 

In Jesus name we pray.



Choral Listening Series - Recording #3


Dear Families