What Makes McDougall Great: Town Hall Focus Questions

On January 22, 2023 the Leadership Council hosted a Town Hall. As a warmup activity, while enjoying the chili lunch, participants were invited to share their thoughts as to why they came to McDougall and what aspects of life at McDougall they value the most. The answers that were received really capture the amazing place that McDougall is. We wanted to share them with you. If you would like to add your answers, please send an email to Sarah. Check back as answers will be added.

#1 - What brought you and/or continues to bring you to McDougall?

  • People in the congregation

  • To have our family involved in church.

  • Worship

  • Fellowship – warm welcoming

  • Friendship

  • Support for refugee groups

  • We had friends here.

  • I value the sense of community at McDougall.

  • Music – choirs, Sonica

  • Spiritual – growth + messages + support + inspiration

  • Youth Group

  • I searched for an affirming united church that welcomes all.

  • Communion

  • The people and ministers

  • The services

  • The Christian music and atmosphere

  • The socials

  • The book and bible studies

  • That someone is always here when help is needed 

  • Music/ Choir

  • It was the closest United Church and I wanted to put my children in Sunday school

  • Friends; preaching

#2 - What aspects of McDougall do you value the most?

  • Good theology

  • Community involvement

  • Welcoming to all

  • People in the congregation

  • Exploring my spirituality 

  • Fellowship

  • Leadership – wisdom of the people

  • Pastoral care helping our members

  • Good stories

  • Things to do/people to be in touch with

  • Sunday services

  • Worship

  • Music

  • Community

  • Innovation

  • Free for the first time in 45 years due to business commitments – wanted to begin coming again.

  • Enjoy the fellowship with those in the United Church congregation.

  • Sense of community – people who care about you.

  • Choir

  • Outreach 

  • Thoughtful sermons and music that fits with the theme.

  • Belonging to a caring community

  • The people and friendships

  • The spiritual message and friends

  • The lunches and the suppers

  • Good music; good programs

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit their webpage.


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