Pray with me … by Amy

Pray with me…

God, your name is ancient. Sadly, we, your creatures, have invoked it, almost since we learned it, to enslave others, to steal land, to excuse our greed, to kill, to harm, to oppress. Forgive us.

Holy One, Your name has also been called through the ages by the prophets of Israel and the freedom fighters of history and the poets of today. Your name inspires and brings life. Your name has been called and has liberated, freed, humanized, healed, and made a way where there was no way. Thank you.

We call on your holy name today, God, to help us to undo the harm that has been done in your name. We call on your name for tender mercy upon our complicity and complacency where there is injustice. We call on your name to heal the wounds of our own hearts and the hearts of those, different from us, whom we may not understand. Help us to meditate deeply upon the sacredness of relationship and how we might transform and grow in our relations with ourselves, with one another, and with all your glorious creation that you have commanded us to steward with wisdom and compassion. 

We pray, Light of the World, for compassion for ourselves. May we be graced with an outpouring of compassion that flows up, like cleansing cool water from our own wounded hearts and rushes out as a steady stream to touch all whom we encounter. Bless and protect the lonely, the vulnerable, the broken, the despairing. Align us who are privileged with those who are marginalised so we may be in service to your kingdom here on earth. We know there is a balm in your Love. Apply it everywhere. We ache for it here on earth. Amen.

Written by Amy Haynes



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