Taste & Try - Back in October with Changes

Last year we were thrilled to partner with carya Elder Friendly Communities to bring Taste & Try to McDougall. Every month seniors cooked a new recipe, learned some new cooking skills from Rev. Danah (prior to ministry he was a chef) before enjoying the delicious food that was cooked. Unfortunately, carya is no longer operating in Acadia for this year which means that we no longer have a partner for this beloved program. Thankfully we had a wonderful volunteer response when we asked previous attendees for help. We are excited to be able to continue this program starting in the fall. Due to the program being run solely by McDougall, we have had to make a few changes.

Date Change

The first change we have made is to move the event to the first Thursday of each month (moved from the second Thursday). The first event will be October 5, 2023 and continue to be held on the first Thursday of each month going forward.

Volunteer Run

As we no longer have the administrative help that carya provided, we needed to bring in some volunteers to help us to organize and execute the program. Fortunately, we had a wonderful response to our initial request for help and have had some amazing volunteers step up to work with Rev. Danah to help organize the monthly events. Each month, we will continue to need volunteers to help set up, clean and run the event. If you are interested in helping, please indicate it when you register to attend the event.

By Donation

The other area that carya really helped was by purchasing the food. As we no longer have this option, we have had to look at other ways to fund the program. We are asking for donations from attendees to cover the cost of the food. The suggested donation is $5 per person. Any money donated will be put back into the program.

October Event

We hope that you will be able to join us on October 5th at 12 pm. Registration is open and is required to attend. You can register to attend here. Please register before Monday, October 2 at 7 pm.

To learn more about Taste & Try, please visit the Taste & Try webpage.

To learn more about our Family & Community Events, please visit the Family & Community Events Webpage.


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