Scholarships & Bursaries - A quick history of the two at McDougall United

There are 2 bursaries/scholarships Funds that the McDougall Foundation supports. Although they are both in support of post secondary education there are differences.

The first is the McDougall United Church Scholarship Fund which was created a number of years ago for deserving congregants, their children and grandchildren. An anonymous donor stepped up in December 2015 with a donation of $25,000. to the MUC Foundation to endow this fund. The $25,000 was invested with the Calgary Foundation and generates a minimum return of 5% per annum.  This income is used to provide yearly scholarships. It will continue to complement their existing program in perpetuity to provide Scholarships and Bursaries to students who qualify based on criteria established by The McDougall United Church Bursary and Scholarship Committee. A disbursement of $1,224 was paid in 2021 to our Foundation and forwarded to The McDougall Church Scholarship Fund.

The second Fund is the McDougall United Church Indigenous Bursary. This fund was created to benefit First Nations students at Mount Royal University with an anonymous donation of $25,000 in December 2015. This fund is being administered by Mount Royal University and had its first disbursement in 2017.  Current total for the fund as of June 30, 2021 was $49,439.  The Mount Royal University endowment generates a return of 3.5% per annum. This income is used to provide a yearly scholarship ($1900 in 2021) for 1st year Indigenous students based on financial need. MRU advises McDougall Church each year of deserving candidates who are recipients of this endowment and the recipient is invited to participate in an awards ceremony at McDougall.

We are proud to have a partnership with Mount Royal University who have a goal of increasing their representation of Indigenous students to equal seven (7) percent of total enrollment .



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