Scholarship Update: Does $1000 Scholarship Mean Anything?

As Chair of the Scholarship/Bursary Committee for the past 22 years, I extend thanks for all past and current donors.

To respond to the question frequently asked: "Does a $1000.00 scholarship really mean anything with the high cost of post secondary education?"

I will try to capture at least a portion of the essence of some of the feedback I have received over the years.

From Parents/Relatives: " When notified of their acceptance, our son/daughter virtually turned summersaults ". 

From Recipients: Soon after being accepted... " You have no idea what it meant to me to be accepted and then to stand up in front or the church and thank them".

From Recipients: Established in their professions:  (Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Lab Technicians, Pilots, Hair Stylists, Bus Drivers, just to name a few successful careers). " As I look back on the scholarship, it wasn't so much the amount of the scholarship, it was knowing that the hard work of graduation was recognized and it also gave my self confidence a boost".

Any size of a donation toward the McDougall  Scholarship Fund is appreciated. 


Nick Perrin, Chair

This years scholarship deadline is May 19, 2023. Applications can be found here.

To learn more about the McDougall Scholarship, please visit the Scholarship webpage.


Meet Your Leadership Council: Marjorie MacRae – Member at Large


Open Table: Movie Night Wrap Up