Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on Easter

Easter is not about life as a continuing exercise in having happy times.

There will continue to be periods of sadness and stress,

but there will always be the strength we need to face them.

Easter is not about having a clear map that will guide us through life.

We shall continue to make wrong turns and find ourselves on closed roads,

but there will always be some new path to take or former route to rediscover.

Easter is not about never feeling tired again.

Life lived fully will, on occasion, exhaust us, 

but when we need rest, peace will be there.

Easter is not about suddenly discovering all the answers.

We shall continue to be perplexed from time to time,

but we shall be supported through all the confusion by love.

Easter is about stepping into life unafraid and free.

We can dream and move into the future knowing and sharing love,

and on that journey, we will discover what being alive really means forever.


A Prayer 

Holy Spirit found in all times and all places, I will get up now and do what needs to be done, and in so doing I will find you and find my real self in loving the world and those around me by walking on the path of the risen Christ.



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