Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on the kind of people we are

On a regular basis, we all face those chores that we really don’t want to do. (Yes, tax season is coming up.) These are the responsibilities we put off. These are the assignments we avoid. These are the projects we wish were someone else’s responsibility.

But here’s an idea: The next time one of these bothersome events comes up don’t ask: “Why do I have to do this?” Rather rephrase this into “I am the kind of person who does this sort of thing, even when I don’t want to.” And then, before that idea has time to die in your mind, just get up, and get started, and do it.

That’s the secret—just do it. And it might even help if you promise your good, hard-working self that when the task is finished there will be a reward of a cup of coffee or a quick round of “Call of Duty”. 

This subtle change puts us in charge of the situation, not facing a burden that we do not want to carry, but taking on a challenge that we can and will complete.

Ultimately, we are in charge of our attitudes toward life. And there is a Spirit within us that can see us through so many difficult times. And for this, let us give thanks.

Now get up and go and do something.


A Prayer 

Creative Spirit, you are here somewhere. Right now, I don’t feel like doing some things, like….

So here I go. I’m going to get up and grasp one of these things, and I’m going to do it. Your strength is in me. This can be done. I thank you.

And later, I’ll be back to get another task from this list, and I’ll do that to.



Draft McDougall Leadership Council Meeting Minutes: January 23rd, 2024 – 7 pm – 9 pm


Palestinian Family Refugee Update Special Donation Request Week 2