Quick Survey: Help Out the Visioning Working Group

During the past two and half years we, along with others, have had to realign and examine how we offer our services, support, and programs to the congregation and the wider community. Fortunately, here at McDougall, throughout the pandemic, we have been blessed with a team of staff members and volunteers who have put in countless hours of work on our behalf so that we continue to be a place of worship and a resource within the community. As we learn to reconnect with one another within the new realities of a post-pandemic environment we need to examine ways we can move together safely and honour our Mission and Vision Statements (these statements are provided below for your reference).  

McDougall’s Mission and Working Vision Statement Aug. 2018

McDougall’s Working Statement of Core Values, Vision, and Key Priorities: (approved by Executive Council, August 28, 2018)

Values: (Values are ideals or beliefs that are important to us. They provide a common frame of reference for how we agree to behave and make decisions.) 

At McDougall we Honour our past, celebrate our present and embrace our future.

Our Core Values are: Caring, Spiritual Connections, Fellowship, Outreach and Social Justice

Our Working Vision Statement (Vision is defined as our hopes for McDougall, significantly better than today but more than a solution to today’s problems)

McDougall United Church: a vibrant, diverse, inclusive, spiritual community shaped by contemporary Christian values.

Our Key Priorities (Key priorities are defined as multi-year, multi-functional change initiatives that will significantly move our church towards the vision.)

  • Get the message out 

  • Nurture Christian faith

  • Build inclusive community 

  • Strengthen diverse relationships 

  • Pursue outreach and social justice

At McDougall we “Honour our past, celebrate our present and embrace our future.” This statement which embraces our overarching values, is worth reflecting on as we look towards how McDougall will look as we move into this new phase of our church’s life. What will the next 5 years, 20 years, or 60 years look like?

There is currently a Visioning Working Group that will be working over the next several months to provide opportunities for congregation members to reflect on our current vision statements and to dive deeper into what direction will be in the best interest of McDougall. If you are interested in joining this Visioning Working Group, please contact Daren Patterson at daren.denise@gmail.com.

As a starting point during the last Leadership Council meeting, council members were asked to reflect on the following question, “How can we support our ministry teams to re-engage the congregation?” Principal elements identified by this group included food, music, and meeting the pastoral care of the congregation.

To begin the discussion, we need to hear from you. Please give some prayerful thought to the following questions and provide your feedback by July 17, 2022. Thank you for your time and input. 


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