Pastoral Care Quarterly Report

The Pastoral Care committee met in February and March for our monthly meeting. This was a great opportunity to keep appraised of the pastoral care work happening in our church.  

Bob Mutlow went to the Lake Bonavista Retirement village in January to lead the worship service and visit with the residents, while Rachel was away for her Global Perspective Experience Trip in Cuba for school.  Rachel led the Lake Bonavista Services and visited with the residents in February and March. Rachel went to Southwood Care home in January and February to preside over the monthly worship service.

Rachel presided over one celebration of life service, and provided pastoral support through phone calls and visits to members of McDougall Community of Faith.

Since March 11th, 2020 the pastoral care team has been working with Rachel to provide pastoral support, build a stronger sense of community and working towards connecting with everyone who is apart of the community of faith at McDougall United Church

This work has included, Rachel calling everyone who was not identified to be on the email blast (98 households) to inform them church was cancelled on the Sunday March 15, 2020. 

Shirley W organizing 42 phone out volunteers to call every house hold on our phone out list (244 households) to check in and see how everyone is doing. Everyone reported back to Rachel and she responded to all the needs addressed at that time. 

Esther P. organized a list of volunteers to help others do groceries or run errands for those in isolation, and connecting the two parties together. 

Rachel contacting the 63 households who had not provided an email contact to see if they would like to be added to the email blast with only 17 people needing information mailed to them.  This was also a great way for her to connect with those she spoke to on the phone.

A second phone out has been arranged as a way to gather information for the operations committee and to check to see how people are doing after being effected by COVID 19 for a month.  Shirley W is putting this into motion, and everyone is reporting back to her while Rachel is focusing on her studies.

Rachel is organizing a pen pal program, providing the opportunity for retired adults to be partnered up with youth and children to write and send letters through the mail with each other.  A Donation has been received to cover the cost of the packages that will be send to everyone which contains 5 envelopes, 5 stamps and paper.  She is hoping after the phone out she will have more names of those interested in participating.

The pastoral care work is continuing with the help of some amazing volunteers while Rachel is focusing on her studies in April.

Many Blessings,



Governance Working Group (GWG) Quarterly Report


Youth Group Quarterly Report