Hearing a Call to a Deeper Life

I have walked a long road to work in the church. Had someone told me five years ago that my life would look this way, I would have been incredulous. I have always known the deep whispers of the Divine and was the kind of kid adults said was an “old soul” or “seven going on forty-seven”, but I didn’t know those gifts were valuable or that I was. I walked wounded for many years before hearing a call to a deeper life, a life where love could lead me.

I thank my two children for helping open my eyes to abundant love and reckless, free-flowing grace. I am an adult convert to Christianity and I was baptized with my kids into the United Church just a few years ago. Shortly after that amazing day, I felt called to a vocation in ministry.

This is the path that I walk now, bringing both the scars and the wisdom of my prior journey. I am going into my third year of my Master of Divinity studies in the fall of 2020. I am also a Candidate for Ordained Ministry in the United Church of Canada. My particular area of interest is in Theology of Trauma, the work of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), and Preaching.

I am a mother of two amazing kids who inspire me regularly. I love music, film, birds, and unlike most Albertans, I am a sucker for a rainy day. (10 years in Vancouver/Seattle will do that!) I am a writer who adores the written word, but seldom meets a deadline without an all-nighter…blame the muses!


Hello Families


Hello Families