Opera Buddies: Still Space to Join

Whether you’re 17 or 70, if you’ve ever been curious about opera, but unsure where to start or what to listen for, you’re invited to join Opera Buddies - an intergenerational opera discovery program for youth, adults, and older adults. There are still spots for Elixir of Love (January 18 – February 8) and Das Rheingold (April 4 – April 25). Bring some family members and join in on the fun! Each Opera Buddies session begins with two classes: an introduction to opera as well as a primer on the opera you’ll be going to see. You’ll learn what to expect at the theatre, as well as insights into what to watch and listen for at the show. Then, come to the opera and watch the performance with a live orchestra, soloists, and chorus. To make the most of your experience, the final class is a guided reflection on the opera you just saw as well as suggestions for taking your learning further. Each class is facilitated by a professional opera teaching artist from Calgary Opera.

The classes take place at McDougall in the M&M room on Thursday nights from 4:30 - 5:45 pm. You can register for the two remaining shows and learn more by visiting Opera Buddies.

Learn more about Opera Buddies.


2023 - Operations Working Group December 2023 Report


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