Notes from the Council Co-chairs re 2024 AGM

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 2024 AGM on Sunday, February 25th. An extra special thanks to everyone who provided sandwiches and squares for all of us to enjoy, And, thank you for the generous freewill offerings!  During this meeting we were able to accomplish the following actions:

  1. Approval of the 2023 Annual Report.

  2. Approval of the 2023 Financial Statements.

  3. Election of the 2024 Leadership Council members.

  4. Approval of a January to June 2024 budget with the understanding that McDougall Council will conduct a Congregational Survey* following the AGM  and use  the input received  to inform their development of a revised budget for July to December 2024 that they will bring to the congregation for approval prior to the end of June.  

Other information shared at the meeting:.  

  1. Joanne Pritchard and Rev. Joanne provided updates regarding the Shared Ministry Team initiative between McDougall, Ogden, and Red Deer Lake United Churches.

  2. Marilyn Bates shared Information about Chinook Winds Region Annual Conference that will be held at McDougall May 2-5. Volunteers will be required to support this event. More details will be forthcoming.

We continue to look for volunteers to be part of the Leadership Council as well as our ministry teams and working groups. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these valuable volunteer opportunities, please feel free to contact either Daren Patterson ( or Joanne Pritchard ( You can also look for volunteer opportunities under the Getting Involved link on the website.

Thank you for your support of the McDougall Leadership Council.

 Daren Patterson and Joanne Pritchard

 McDougall Council Co-leads

To learn more about the Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson


Shared Ministry Team Initiative