Meet Your Staff Members: Tanya Wan Lim - Contemporary Music Leader / Worship Service Musician

Over the next weeks, we are going to be introducing you to the staff at McDougall. We hope that you enjoy learning more about them!

Meet Tanya Wan Lim - Contemporary Music Leader / Worship Service Musician

How long have you been attending McDougall? I've been attending McDougall for around 13 years now. 

What are your hopes for McDougall? My hope for McDougall is to become a well known place where people feel welcome and comfortable coming to whether it be services or events. I think many people these days are looking for a place to find community and a place they can come to at any stage of their lives. 

What is one thing you'd like to see happen this year? I'd like to see a Christmas play or musical happen this year.

What is your favorite book? The most memorable book for me is “Das Parfum” by Patrick Süskind.

What is your favorite movie? One of my favorite movies is “Pan's Labyrinth”.

What is one thing that you do for fun? I love to travel and I love spending loads of time with my children!

To learn more about the staff at McDougall, please visit the Staff Directory.

To learn more about all the amazing volunteers at McDougall, please visit the Volunteer Page.


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