Meet Your Leadership Council: Peggy Jorgensen – Ministry and Personnel Lead

Over the next weeks, we are going to be introducing you to an amazing and hardworking group of people here at the church, your leadership council! This is the group that governs the church and makes decisions around: Vision, mission, and strategic planning, Policy development and organizational oversight, Annual budget, Reporting to the Congregation, Relationship with the Chinook winds regional Council and the UCC General Council and Pastoral relations.

We hope that you enjoy learning more about them!

Meet Peggy Jorgensen – Ministry and Personnel Lead

I have been coming to McDougall since I moved here in the summer of 2004.

A hope I have for McDougall is to see the Outreach Ministry continue to bring in new people and the programs expanded, with a corresponding growth in Sunday morning attendance.  I think the choir program is important as it indicates we are a thriving church.  It is important that our livestreamed/ recorded services continue to have a vibrant music program, while finding places in the month to embrace more traditional music. 

One thing I’d like to see happen this year at McDougall is the hours for the Family Ministry Support Worker and the Choir Director to be continued.  To do this, we have to have some creative fundraising happen so we balance our budget.

I joined the Ministry and Personnel Committee as Barrie Clayton was going to be stepping down and that left only one person on the committee.  It is the only required committee for a congregation to have.  I felt God give a gentle nudge.  That was in 2017.  It would be really nice to be able to let someone take that over so I can just be a member at large.  

I feel privileged to be part of this congregation.  There are so many people who are so passionate about making our corner of the world a better place.  

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Webpage.

To learn more about all the amazing volunteers at McDougall, please visit the Volunteer Page.


The Politics of Jesus: An Election Series


2023 - Q1 Trustee Report