Meet Your Leadership Council: Marilyn Bates – Leadership Council Secretary

Over the next weeks, we are going to be introducing you to an amazing and hardworking group of people here at the church, your leadership council! This is the group that governs the church and makes decisions around: Vision, mission, and strategic planning, Policy development and organizational oversight, Annual budget, Reporting to the Congregation, Relationship with the Chinook winds regional Council and the UCC General Council and Pastoral relations.

We hope that you enjoy learning more about them!

Meet Marilyn Bates – Leadership Council Secretary

How long have you been coming to McDougall?   7 years

What are your hopes for McDougall?   I hope McDougall continues to be a place for groups to gather as they complete their work and build their community.   For me this applies to both in-house and those who choose McDougall for their activities.  I would like to see McDougall find ways to collaborate with other Churches to build on what each has to bring to the “table”.   

What’s one thing you’d like to see happen this year at McDougall?  Continue supporting the larger community similar to Open Table and Acadia Pantry.     

Why did you join the Leadership Council? I was asked if I was interested, and it has opened many opportunities to help where I can.   Time is a currency I can share with my Church. 

Additional comments or thoughts:

There have been new congregation members who I have gotten to know.  They have brought energy and given of their time and talents to support the church. Relationships have begun and continue to grow.

We need to recognize all that we do at McDougall United. We must grant acceptance and give support to all the diverse work that is being done.   What may be important to others may not be to you and that is okay.  

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Webpage.

To learn more about all the amazing volunteers at McDougall, please visit the Volunteer Page.


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