Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (November 2023)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

November News

  • We Are All Trustees: This article originally was published on the United Church of Canada Website (you can see it here). You can meet Vicki Nelson on November 12 following the service as she will be presenting a “Ways to Give” information seminar over zoom that is put on by this years Stewardship team and the McDougall Foundation. Vicki Nelson writes that stewardship is sharing what we have, and letting go of competition and fear. Continue reading on our website.

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 2, Valerie MacLeod: During our 2024 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them! Continue reading.

  • Feed the Hungry: Thank You: Feed the Hungry Dinner happened last Sunday and was a success. Below is a note and some pictures that were sent out from the Feed the Hungry organization. Continue reading on website.

  • Reconciliation Mural - Keepsake Book: We hope that you are enjoying the reconciliation mural. A lot of work went into it, both behind the scenes and in the paintings themselves. That is why we are working on a keepsake book that documents all the beautiful artwork, behind the scenes pictures and talks about why this type of work is so important. Continue reading on website.

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 3, Phil Edwards: During our 2024 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them! Continue reading on website.

  • Cell Phone Tower for McDougall: McDougall Church has again been approached by Telus to ascertain if we are interested in having a cell phone tower on our property. Continue reading on website.

  • Taste & Try - November 2: Check out some of the photos from November's Taste & Try event. Looks like a fun time had by all.

  • Remembrance Day Poem - Written by Theo Chavez: In honor of Remembrance Day, we would like to share this moving poem written by one of our congregation members. Thank you Theo for sharing your gifts with us. The title of the poem is “Why He Left”.

  • Advent Study: Onsite or Online: The study will last 4 weeks both onsite (Wednesday nights) or online (Thursday afternoons) starting November 29/30. Please register so that we know who to expect. Register to attend ON-SITE or ONLINE.

  • Feed the Hungry: On-Call Volunteers Wanted: Please see this message from Feed the Hungry. Continue reading on website.

  • Heritage Time Out: Recent Pictures: Check out some of the creations that have come out of Heritage Time Out recently. Heritage Time Out meets on Wednesday mornings and gives crafters of all kinds an opportunity to work on their hobby. See more pictures on our website.

  • Christmas Hamper Update: Angel Tree Coming Sunday. Our amazing Christmas Hamper volunteers have been busy getting ready for what is sure to be another high demand year. We could use your help in ensuring that we can meet the needs for the community. Continue reading on website.

  • Hope Quest: 6 Week Art Therapy Group: Facilitated by Suzanne Styles. Growth and inspiration through creativity! Learn to cultivate and nurture HOPE throughout the various seasons and circumstances of your life! No “artistic ability” needed. Starts Tuesday, January 16, 2024, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Learn more and register on website.

  • Follow-up to the ‘Ways to Give’ presentation on November 12: If you missed the highly informative ‘Ways to Give’ presentation by UCC regional staff person, Vicki Nelson, last Sunday, the Zoom recording can be found below. Watch video here.

  • Reconciliation Mural: Bookmark Fundraiser: Are you looking for a gift for that hard to shop for person on your Christmas list? Why not purchase them a bookmark that shows off one of the panels on our Reconciliation Mural. Each is unique and with 72 different options you are sure to find one that speaks to you. Best part is that all the money raised will go towards continuing our Right Relations work here at McDougall. Continue reading on website.

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 4, Karina Harris: During our 2024 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them! Continue reading on website.

  • 'Ways to Give' Information Session Pictures: Check out some of the pictures from the 'Ways to Give' information session on November 12, 2023. If you missed the session, you can view it on the website.

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 5, June Clarke: During our 2024 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them! Continue reading on website.

  • Volunteers Extraordinaire: A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers that keep us running smoothly. Here are a couple to highlight from the Sunday, November 12th coffee clean up crew. Thank you!

  • It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Wyn Bailey on November 14th 2023, at the age of 93 years. See Wyn’s Candle Memorial.

  • It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Tom Foster on November 20th at the age of 93 years. See Tom’s Candle Memorial.

  • 2024 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 6, Peggy Jorgensen: During our 2024 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them! Continue reading on website.

  • Kid’s Table Update: Looking for Kid’s to Join Christmas Pageant: Throughout the advent season, Rev. Danah will be working with the kids on Sunday mornings on a simple Christmas pageant that they will perform on Christmas Eve at the 4 pm service. Continue reading…

  • Angel Tree: New Requests Added: Thank you so much for your support of the Angel Tree so far! We wanted to let you know that new requests have been added to our online tree. Continue reading…

  • Stoney Nakoda Christmas Feast Donations: The Right Relations Team is collecting donations for the annual Christmas Feast for Stoney Nakoda Families and Elders coming up on December 16. New toys and baby items, as well as new or gently used children's clothing can be dropped off in the office. Everything will be wrapped and ready to distribute to families at the Feast. Your donations are greatly appreciated!  Below are some pictures from last years feast.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send it your news!

See what happened in October here.


We Are All Trustees


Heritage Time Out Pictures