Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (May 2024)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

May News

  • 2024 - Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Report to the Congregation (January – April 2024): The Outreach and Social Justice Ministry team this past Quadrimestre met on two occasions. The following are the highlights from this ministry teams work... Continue reading on website.

  • McDougall United Scholarship is Open for 2024: Applications for the McDougall United Scholarship are now available on our website. This scholarship is open to people with a connection to McDougall United church who have been accepted to a post secondary institution or trade. Continue reading on website.

  • Nearly 23% of the Canadian population reported food insecurity in 2022: A couple weeks ago we wrapped up our Acadia Pantry fundraiser. During the event some statistics were shared about how many kids live in food insecure households. The number we gave was 1 in 6, a new article published on CBC’s website indicates that it is higher. Continue reading on webpage.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on finding joy. I remember having a guest yogi leading our class one day. And I must say that I enjoyed this particular individual’s style and demeanour quite well. But as we were rolling up our mats at the end of the session, the woman next to me said how disappointed she had been. Continue reading on the website.

  • Chinook Region Annual Meeting: This Weekend: The Chinook Region Annual Meeting is taking place at McDougall this weekend. It starts Thursday, May 2 and goes through till Sunday, May 5’s worship service. We are in for a treat this Sunday as we get to witness the ordination of a number of new ministers. Continue reading on website.

  • A Short History of McDougall United Church: The congregation of McDougall United Church, Calgary began in 1961 as Fairview/Acadia United Church but soon after adopted the name McDougall as suggested by the CGIT group. Services were held in Fairview School until 1964 when a new building, intended to be the Christian Education wing, was built. Continue reading on website.

  • McDougall Scavenger Hunt: For the Chinook Region Annual Meeting we put together a fun scavenger hunt that attendees could do to learn a bit more about McDougall. We don’t want all the attendees to have all the fun so are passing this scavenger hunt along to our congregation. How well do you know McDougall? Continue reading on website.

  • Chinook Region Annual Meeting - Wrap Up: Thank you so much to everyone for stepping up in such a way for this past weekends’ Chinook Region Annual Meeting. When I posted the volunteer positions I honestly wasn’t sure how we were going to manage it, and then in typical McDougall fashion everyone came together and just got it done!!!!! Thank You!!!!! Continue reading on website.

  • Thank You Rudy & Doug!!!!! If you have come in the west doors by the Reconciliation Mural, then you may have noticed that it is looking extra nice due to some beautiful new flooring. A HUGE thank you needs to go out to Rudy R and Doug D for all their hard work replacing the flooring. They worked for 5 days on it and the final result is just stunning! Make sure you take a look if you haven't already and give Rudy and Doug a thank you next time you see them.

  • McDougall Scholarship - Fun Facts: Did you know that the McDougall Scholarship started in 1995 and has awarded 128 scholarships to our graduating youth? This years scholarship is open with an application deadline of May 31, 2024. You can learn more and find a copy of the application on the Scholarship webpage. Scholarship Sunday will be Sunday, June 30, 2024, hope to see you there! Further contributions toward the Scholarship Fund would be greatly appreciated.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on what we take with us, A friend of mine was having difficulty finding a book I had recommended, so I told him that the next time we got together for coffee—as we often do—I would bring my copy with me. And I had every intention of doing that. However, for the next three of four times we met, I arrived without the book. Continue reading on the website.

  • April 30, 2024 McDougall United/Christ Moravian Refugee Group Update – Palestinian and Afghan families: Good news:  Your donations helped save our Palestinian family’s lives! All 14 members of the immediate Al Astal family (parents, siblings, nieces and nephews) left Rafah and arrived safely in Egypt in mid-April. With funds donated by church members, friends and the community we were able to help Mustafa and Mahmoud, whose families we supported when they came to Canada in 2018, pay for their evacuation. Continue reading on website.

  • McDougall Scholarship - Fun Facts: Did you know that the McDougall Scholarship has grown so that it also provides scholarships for young adults who are continuing on in their post secondary education. This years scholarship is open with an application deadline of May 31, 2024. You can learn more and find a copy of the application on the Scholarship webpage. Scholarship Sunday will be Sunday, June 30, 2024, hope to see you there!

  • Camp Kasota 2024 Schedule: The count down is on for this year’s Camp Kasota weekend on June 7 - 9, 2024. We still have a few spots available if you were thinking about attending but don’t wait too long as registration closes on May 31st. Continue reading on website.

  • Bible Study: Please note that the last bible study before the summer break is May 28, 2024. We look forward to resuming in September.

  • Scavenger Hunt Answers: A few weeks back I challenged you to see how well you know McDougall with a fun Scavenger hunt. Thanks to everyone who participated and sent in their answers. It is time to reveal the answers. Continue reading on website.

  • McDougall Scholarship - Fun Facts: Did you know that the McDougall Scholarship has been given to many adults seeking ordination who have in some way been affiliated with the McDougall Ministry? This years scholarship is open with an application deadline of May 31, 2024. You can learn more and find a copy of the application on the Scholarship webpage. Scholarship Sunday will be Sunday, June 30, 2024, hope to see you there!

  • Camp Kasota 2024 Menu: The count down is on for this year’s Camp Kasota weekend on June 7 - 9, 2024. Below is the menu for this year, we can’t wait to see you at camp! Continue reading on website.

  • 2024 -  First Quadramester Report M&P: Submitted by Peggy Jorgensen, M & P Lead. -Arranged for Rev. Bill’s January pay, then put him on our payroll starting February - Rev. Joanne was moved back to fulltime, including updating Church Hub - continue reading on website.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on where we are. Things change. Most of us say that from time to time. And, on reflection, it does seem like a rather sensible piece of wisdom. After all, life around us and within us does reshape itself constantly, presenting us with new experiences, new jobs, new relationships, new understandings. Continue reading on website.

  • Memorial Garden Maintenance: Do you love to garden? If so why not volunteer to help maintain the Memoria Garden? We are currently looking for volunteers to help with maintenance of the Memorial Garden. If you are interested please let the office know or sign up on our volunteer webpage.

  • Congratulations Mustafa and Family!!!!! Mustafa, his wife Salma and 6 month old Aboudi fled to Canada from Egypt 6 years ago.  On Thursday May 23 they were excited to become  Canadian citizens.

  • McDougall Scholarship - Fun Facts: Last chance to get you application in, scholarship closes on May 31, 2024. Did you know that the McDougall Scholarship has also included affiliated adults who have decided to continue their education after a short pause?

  • 2024 - McDougall Operations Working Group Report to McDougall Leadership Council, January 1 to April 30, 2024, During the first fourth months  of 2024, the McDougall Operations Working Group met on Zoom  on January 18, February 15 , March 21 and April 18.  Members of the Operations team during this period included Rev. Joanne Anquist (Minister), Joanne Pritchard (Operations, Lead),  Norma May (Treasurer), Bruce Munro (Assistant Treasurer), Barrie Clayton (Property Lead), Peggy Jorgensen (M&P Lead). Continue reading on website.

  • Senior’s Lunch Photos: On Tuesday, April 23, Seniors were invited to the annual senior’s lunch. This year was once again a success. You can see more photo’s of the event here.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson, Some thoughts on making judgements. One Sunday when I was at Knox, we welcomed newcomers to the community at the beginning of the service. Then some time later, one of these new members was set to be our scripture reader. I called her name and looked around, probably with a worried look on my face, as I could not see her near the front. Then I noticed her getting up in the back row and starting to make her way toward me. But her pace was slow, and she seemed to be in pain to such a degree that a couple of people stood up hoping to help her. Continue reading on website.

  • We are looking for Gently Used Men's Suits, Dress Pants, Dress Shirts, Belts, Ties & Dress Shoes: As a project of the refugee support group, McDougall is partnering with Christ Moravian in a clothing drive organized by the Calgary Police Services and the Centre for Newcomers.  All donated clothing will be offered to newcomers for their job searches. Please drop off items at the office. 

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send in your news!

See what happened in March here.


2024 - Outreach & Social Justice Ministry Report to the Congregation (January – April 2024)


McDougall Scavenger Hunt