Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (July 2023)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

July News

  • On Sunday, June 25th we celebrated Scholarship Sunday. This year we handed out scholarships to 8 different people with affiliation to the church. To see more pictures, please read this blog.

  • Read the LINKages annual report here.

  • Stampede Breakfast - Thank You Volunteers: Thank you so much to everyone who showed up on Sunday to join us for our annual breakfast. A huge thank you goes out to the many, many volunteers that stepped up to help. So many additional people stepped up on the day to help out in the kitchen and clean up (sorry I know there are a lot of names missing from our list). It means so much, thank you! Special thanks need to go out to Paula Sangster for doing such an amazing job managing the kitchen, Barrie Clayton for being our MC and the McUke players for keeping us entertained throughout the breakfast.

  • The Reconciliation Mural is progressing along nicely. We are looking for some help to hang the mural. Learn more here.

  • It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Ron Franklin on Monday, July 10 in hospital. Ron had been struggling with health issues for some time. Visit Ron’s candle memorial here.

  • Ever wondered what our Communications Coordinators favourite book is? Find out all about Sarah Reuangrith here.

  • It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Donna Traub's husband Bill Hawkins on Monday July 10th at the Brentwood Care Centre. Visit Bill’s candle memorial here.

  • On Sunday, June 4th during the service, the congregation was treated to a performance of “It’s Cool in the Furnace”. A group shot is below, you can view more pictures here.

  • We hope you have noticed all the hard work done by several people in our congregation. Our Memorial garden and flower beds have been cleaned, refurbished, and refreshed with new wood chips.  They look wonderful indeed! Please thank the following people who spent many hours of backbreaking hard work:

    Barrie Clayton, and Jake Bowe (Barrie’s grandson)
    Marsha and Gordon Degenhardt
    Marianne  and Wayne Medhurst
    Jonathan Prevost

  • On June 9 - 11, 2023 our annual Camp Kasota weekend happened. It was a blast with wonderful weather and a great group of campers. A few pictures are below but if you want to see more pictures, click here.

  • You can view the Second Quarter Financial Report here.

  • Retirement of McDougall’s Custodian, Harpal Chahal: After more than 20 years of dedicated service to McDougall United Church, Harpal Chahal will be retiring as our well-appreciated custodian on September 1, 2023. Learn more.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. It will be shared with the congregation at the beginning of August.

See what happened in June here.


Scholarship Sunday Photos


Hymn Requests for Sunday, July 9th Stampede Service