Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (August 2024)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

August News

  • Last Chance: Back to School Gift Card Challenge Closes Sunday: Now is your last chance to enter our Back to School Gift Card Challenge. Not only will you be entered to win a Tim Horton’s gift card but you can help raise some money for the church. Continue reading on website.

  • Thank You: Dear Church Community, We would like to thank everyone for their love and support during this difficult time, losing our husband, dad, brother and friend.  Your visits, flowers, meals and food, gifts, cards, calls, tributes, and attending the celebration mean so much.  We would especially like to thank the Church for your care and kindness, and specifically for your help with the meaningful celebration of life; Rev. Bill Weaver, the office staff, those who helped set up the hospitality hall and drinks, the technical staff, pianist, maintenance and cleaning, and everyone else involved. With appreciation, The Marshalls

  • Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist: First an update on the Tent Trailer.  I think it’s going to be okay!  The roof was secured, the tires were changed.  I’m feeling much better about my purchase.  (We’ll see what I think after we take it out in August!) I love the Olympics. What a wonderful celebration of human striving.  The opening ceremonies have always been a celebration of humanity and creativity and of the world coming together. Continue reading on website.

  • 2024 - McDougall Operations Working Group Quadri Mestre Report to McDougall Leadership Council May 1 To July 31, 2024: During the second Quadri Mester of 2024, the McDougall Operations Working Group met on Zoom on May 16, June 20, and July18.  Members of the Operations team during this period included  Rev. Joanne Anquist (Minister), Joanne Pritchard (Operations Lead),  Norma May (Treasurer), Barrie Clayton (Property Lead), Peggy Jorgensen (M&P Lead). Thank you to  Council Members-at-Large, Patrick Meenagh,  Leslie Stoddart and Margaret Holden-Scott who each attended one of these Operations Working Group meetings as the rotating Member-at-Large. Rev. Danah attended when Rev. Joanne was on leave in May.  Continue reading on website.

  • Happy Anniversary Rudy and Jean! They celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary this year. Congregation members were invited to join them for cake in Hospitality Hall on Sunday, August 4, 2024.

  • Way to Go Karina! Thank you for all your support for Karina's Raw Canada Powerlifting competition on July 13th, and to all who came out from the church to watch: Kathy, Jule, Shirley, and Richard. Karina succeeded in four National records: military press, strict curl, bench rep challenge, and bench rep challenge Open (all ages). Karina curled 68 pounds, which was just over half her body weight, for a National record. She bench pressed 1,870 pounds in 90 seconds for the bench rep challenge. Thank you to McDougall United Church, Coach Saretsky, Coach Pam, Jule, Xander, sister Tracey and Raw Powerlifting Canada.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send in your news!

See what happened in July here.


Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist


Last Chance: Back to School Gift Card Challenge Closes Sunday