Kid’s Table - Summer Schedule and Can You Help?
Over the summer there will be no children’s programming on Sunday morning. The children’s room will be open (unsupervised), and an activity station will be set up in the Sanctuary that children are encouraged to participate with. We look forward to resuming Kid’s Table in the fall and have some exciting changes in the works that we could use your help with. We are looking to build a team of people that would help with Kid’s Table on Sunday morning. The planning would be done and someone would be there to run the program but we could use an extra person each week to help. This would hopefully be a team of people that could rotate so that volunteer shifts happen no more than once a month (unless you want to volunteer more and then by all means). A volunteer orientation would happen sometime in November. If you are interested in helping out, please get in touch with Marilyn B by filling out the form below.