From Strangers to Neighbours

There was a great article published on the Calgary Interfaith Council website on March 15th that is worth reading. You can see the original article here, it has been copied below. It was written by Jessica Ryan.

From Strangers to Neighbours

Calgary, with its stunning beauty, serves as a home to a diverse community of many ethnicities and faiths who have lived as neighbours for many decades, fostering mutual respect, understanding, care, and compassion.

The ongoing Gaza-Israel conflict has created indescribable suffering not only in the Middle East, but also here in Calgary and elsewhere. Yet, we remain resolute and committed to the virtues of peace, love, and understanding.

Together, we stand in opposition to Islamophobia and antisemitism everywhere, as it produces no fruit but instead fuels division and animosity. We pledge to do what we can to oppose such hate whenever and wherever it appears.

As Calgarians committed to human dignity and human rights, we cannot and must not turn a blind eye to the pain and suffering endured by innocent people on all sides of the conflict.

As we witness the continuing and tragic violence in the Middle East, we pray for peace and for a speedy end to the violence, and for the lasting safety and security for all residents in this land and in the world.

We call upon all Calgarians to recognize the pain so many of us are feeling, to uphold human values, and, together and as individuals, to do what we can to heal our fractured community.

We urge members of our community to educate themselves, become advocates for peace and justice, and pave the way for integrated coexistence for future generations. There are many ways to do this, including organizing collaborative multi-faith gatherings, providing compassion and comfort to grieving community members, and helping all who despair demonstrate psychological endurance and steadfastness during these challenging times.

Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, alongside members of our multi-faith community led by Calgary Interfaith Council (CIC), and those with no religious affiliation, stand shoulder to shoulder as neighbours during this time of grief, fear, and indecision, praying and hoping for the earliest possible resolution to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Signed in Calgary, Alberta

March 5, 2024


Refugee Support Group - Palestinian Family Update


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson