Congregational Survey Responses

This week, McDougall Leadership Council members reviewed the Summary of Responses (provided by Google Forms) to our recent Congregational Survey. We are pleased to report that 93 members of our community of faith submitted a response to the survey and 20 respondents provided their name and contact information for follow up discussions, Thank you! If anyone has further questions related to the survey, please contact Joanne Pritchard, Council Co-chair/Operations Lead.

 At the Council meeting on Tuesday, members shared their interpretations of the statistics provided and considered how this input from the congregation demonstrates the degree of support for different options for reducing expenditures or increasing revenues that will positively impact the church’s Annual Budget bottom line. 

Not surprisingly, no easy solutions to our budget challenges emerged from the survey.  However, the survey did provide Council some worthwhile feedback related to the options presented that we will share in future Friday Eblast communications.

Council wishes to thank the survey respondents for their expressions of appreciation for the work of Council and for the many responses indicating  a strong desire to help sustain McDougall as a place where everyone has a place at the table.  Further information will be provided to the congregation as it becomes available.

To learn more about the Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council webpage.


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