Christmas Hamper Update: Angel Tree Coming Sunday

Our amazing Christmas Hamper volunteers have been busy getting ready for what is sure to be another high demand year. We could use your help in ensuring that we can meet the needs for the community. Here is how you can help:

  • Select an item to purchase from our Angel Tree. This year we are doing a hybrid approach with angel requests being on the tree outside the Sanctuary for you to select (starting November 19th) as well as online (coming soon). Both will have different options so check both. This year we are doing one gift per family member for around $45 along with a food card.

  • Donate to the Christmas Hamper Program. Make sure you select the Christmas Hamper program or indicate it on your cheque or etransfer. Any money donated will purchase gift cards for food as well as any of the gifts not selected from the tree/online.

Any gifts that are purchased need to be brought to the church by Sunday, December 10 with the Angel attached to the wrapped or unwrapped gift. If your gift is from the on-line list, please attach a note indicating Family # and name of recipient attached to the present.

If you are interested in adopting an entire family, please get in touch with our Christmas Hamper volunteers (phone numbers can be found here).

Thank you in advance for your support again this year.

To learn more about our Christmas Hamper Program, please visit the Christmas Hamper Webpage.


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