Christmas Hamper Photos and Wrap Up

Thank you so much to our amazing volunteers for once again making our Christmas Hamper program a success. A huge thank you to Denise Patterson, Kathy Meuse, and Cheryl Cordsen for coordinating the hampers and then to Dave Schlinker for making sure they all got delivered. Once again the congregation stepped up in a big way to make sure everyone got a gift. I did hear from the group though that after purchasing food cards for all the families that a lot of money was depleted from the fund. It is not too late to support this program and to set them up for success next year. Donations can be made here.

Below are some pictures from December 10th when all the gifts were brought in to be distributed.

To learn more about the Christmas Hamper program, please visit the Christmas Hamper webpage.


Friendship Club Christmas Lunch with Pictures


Homeschool Group - Coming Back January 22, 2024