Some Words of Inspiration

The world is changing around us, our daily routines, activities, and lifestyles are interrupted.

We are all doing our part to flatten the curve, giving our frontline health care workers, caregivers, and medical staff across the country the chance to prepare for what COVID 19 is bringing to our country. We don’t know how long we will stay in self isolation. However, we are doing our best to stay safe and prevent the spread of a virus while scientists work on creating a vaccine.

Amid the fear, loneliness, isolation, and becoming adjusted to the changes in our lives; there are things to celebrate. Things that may not have been made possible if COVID-19 had not caused humans across the world to stop, stay home, and completely change their daily lives.

In our own faith community at McDougall United Church we have started to build a stronger sense of community through intentional connection, building relationships and friendships. The first thing we did was start the phone out; contacting every household in our community to ensure everyone was ok, ensuring they had the supports they needed to get through the next few weeks, and found different ways to communicate with everyone. People started to call each other, connecting and getting to know each other in a new way. Grandparents have started to write and mail letters with their grandchildren. Children are spending more time with their parents, giving them the opportunity to spend quality time together, playing, learning life skills, and living together in a new way.

Mother earth is also benefiting from the lack of human activity. The canal waters in Venice are clear; you can see the fish swimming in the bottom of the canal. Dolphins are exploring the waters along the coast of Italy. In areas in China and Europe the air pollution is clearing, satellite images show the yellow and orange smog is clearing over the cities, allowing citizens to see blue sky for the first time in decades. Wild animals have been seen wandering city streets curious about the strange habitat normally occupied by humans.

There is a silver lining to all of this, with different perspectives being created, an appreciation of having the opportunity to slow down and notice the little happy moments in life are being shared. Life is still good.

Have faith God will guide us through this chapter in our lives. Find the good things that happened today, it will counter the fear our world is facing. God is with us.


Signs of Hope


Challenging Times… Changes Ways of Doing Church