Acknowledgement of Leadership Council Volunteers

At McDougall’s Annual General Meeting on February 27, Council Co-chair, Joanne Pritchard, acknowledged volunteers who will be stepping down from their Council positions at this time.

First, Joanne recognized the Lead of McDougall’ s Ministry Team, Esther Peterson.

Joanne shared that Esther has  led McDougall’s Pastoral Care team and been a dedicated McDougall Council member since 2013, noting that this alone adds up to  huge number of committee and Council meetings! Esther has been a central part of the planning and organization of a wide range of pastoral care initiatives over the years that  have provided tremendous support for members of our community of faith as well opportunities for members of the pastoral care team to actively live out their Christian faith. Esther plans continuing as a member of the Pastoral Care Ministry Team, supporting the leadership of a new Pastoral Care Lead and  McDougall’s pastoral care ministers, Rev. Danah and Rev. Joanne . 

Joanne Pritchard also acknowledged our outgoing Treasurer, Karen Chow, Karen stepped into the McDougall Treasurer position in 2019, after having first taken on the leadership of McDougall’s new fundraising team acknowledge the members of Council that was created to help us balance our 2018 Budget. In the first months of taking on the position, Karen dedicated hours of her time to fully understand the breadth and depth of responsibilities of this important position, applying her professional strengths acquired as an engineer. Over the past two years of the COVID pandemic challenges, Karen has provided a steady hand in all matters concerning our budget and financial oversight. Joanne warmly thanked Karen  for her contributions to McDougall’s current financial health and foundation for our further sustainability as a church.

 Council Co-Chair, Tara Jorgensen was also acknowledged for her Council Leadership. At last year’s AGM, Tara Jorgensen agreed to step into the role of Council Co-Chair for a year.  Since that time Tara have been a strong addition to the Council Chair team, adding her thoughtful input during the planning and preparation for Council meetings and her much needed technical assistance on all things Zoom, allowing us to smoothly  navigate the online meetings space during this extended pandemic. Tara will remain on Council as the Affirming Vision Team Lead.

Six  Individuals who volunteered in September 2019 to be Members-at-Large on pilot Leadership Council were also acknowledged. Joanne thanked Jen Heidebrecht, Bess Penney, Sarah Lambert, Marilyn Bates, Kelsey Attard, Frank Kurucz for their willingness to take on this new role and their agreement to stay on through the extended pilot period. Joanne thanked the group for their participation on the new Leadership Council these past 2 1/2 year.

Zoom claps and thumbs up were shared by the meeting participants as the volunteers vacating  Council positions were acknowledged. 

And finally, Joanne acknowledged the members of Council, who have agreed to continue in their roles for another year or who are stepping into another roles on Council.


Meet Your 2022 Leadership Council


Church Basement Report to the Congregation February 27, 2022