Many of you are wondering how are we going to keep going with the Covid-19 virus going around. I have been keeping in touch with the children and their families by making phone calls, emails and having Zoom sessions. I have 2 Zoom sessions a week; one midweek and another on Sunday mornings. One is to keep in touch and talk about how everyone is doing. Does anyone need anything? Then on Sunday mornings we try to have a Godly Play, a story or a baking lesson that relates to our faith.

For example, at Easter we made tombs. Jesus was a Marshmallow then the Pillsbury dough was the tomb in which he was placed. We baked the tomb for 13 minutes and when we opened up the tomb Jesus was gone he had risen. We then had a tasty treat to eat. If the marshmallow hadn’t melted completely we say this is the cloth that was found in the tomb when Jesus was gone.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again when it is safe for us to do so.

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It’s Not the Same as Being Together


Attard Family Update