Be Ready to Accept Your Call

For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14 


I write this to you today as I am watching and listening to the livestream of Rep. John Lewis’s funeral. There is a grief to losing such a giant in character and integrity. While his works served the country he lived in, people like him make all of us better. They remind us that we get to choose what kind of life we want to have. We can choose tenacity, endurance, principle, and non-violence. We can choose to work hard against the odds. We are more than what people might say that we are. 

There is a beauty in a celebration of a life lost. Particularly when the one who rests was as Mr. Lewis was; consistent and steady and real. It is moving for me to see that these lives exist, not only on TV, but in our midst here. I was fortunate to help a family say goodbye to a loved one like this recently. We may not all end up at centre stage, our roles may be supporting or behind the scenes, but the love we bring to our interactions does not fade, nor is it marred by death. We will all die one day. This we know. We do get to participate now, while we live, in the formation of our legacy. What do you want to leave here when you go? How do you hope to be remembered? Live that today, right now. 

In the spirit of a great man like John Lewis; be kind, be mindful, recognise the dignity of each one. Be engaged with life and live. Be ready to accept your call. 



With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.

-Mark Twain


Marion Enta’s Birthday


Choral Listening Series - Recording #11