2024 - McDougall Operations Working Group Report to McDougall Leadership Council, January 1 to April 30, 2024

During the first fourth months  of 2024, the McDougall Operations Working Group met on Zoom  on January 18, February 15 , March 21 and April 18.  Members of the Operations team during this period included Rev. Joanne Anquist (Minister), Joanne Pritchard (Operations, Lead),  Norma May (Treasurer), Bruce Munro (Assistant Treasurer), Barrie Clayton (Property Lead), Peggy Jorgensen (M&P Lead). Thank you to  Council Members -at-Large, Marjorie MacRae and Leslie Stoddart who have assisted with the recording of notes for the Operations Record of Business in the absence of a Convenor for these meetings. 

At each Operations meeting, the Treasurer, Norma May, has shared month-end financial reports when she has received them from the church’s bookkeeper, Courtney Den Boer. When they have not been received prior to the meeting, Norma forwards them to the team once she has received and reviewed them. These reports are then made available to all Council members through the Treasurers Reports folder in the shared Council Google Drive folder. Leaders of church groups with restricted funds can request monthly updates related to their groups’ fund by contacting the Office Administrator, Jen Heidebrecht. 

Highlights from the Operations work since January this year include the following:

  1. Related  to the work of the Treasurer, Norma May and the Assistant Treasurer, Bruce Munro:

  • The Operations team reviewed the Preliminary 2024 Budget prepared by Bruce Munro, prior to the January Leadership Council meeting. 

  • Operations provided oversight  for the arrangements made for the Year-end external Financial Review and UCC Statistical Report. 

  • The Financial Processes  Review Group was reinstated and (Barrie Clayton, Lead, Norma May and Jen Heidebrecht members) to  research alternative software for bookkeeping and database purposes, review our bookkeeping workflow processes and to open discussion with our current bookkeeper regarding ongoing concerns related to missed deadlines and  communication. 

  • Norma May and Joanne Pritchard conducted a review of the McDougall’s Restricted Funds. 

  • Operations continues to provide oversight for new grants received by the ministry teams of the church  (e.g. Abundant Aging Grant, Reconciliation Grants)

2. Related  to the work of the Ministry and Personnel Lead, Peggy Jorgensen:

  • Operations reviewed an approved new  Service Contracts for our Worship Service Musicians for January to August, 2024. 

  • Joanne P. and Peggy J. provided oversight and direction for the implementation of payroll changes for Rev.  Joanne, Rev. Danah and Rev.  Bill related to the 2024 Shared Ministry Team agreement.

  • Peggy J. and Joanne P. reviewed and revised  the forms for the Annual Staff reviews as suggested by Operations. 

  • Peggy J.  and Joanne P. ( McDougall representatives on the Joint Ministry and Personnel Committee for the Shared Ministry Team initiative) have provided monthly updates to Operations and provided leadership during the Shared Ministry Team April review process.  Joanne P.  will be reporting on the review feedback  at the May Leadership Council meeting. 

3. Related  to the work of the Property Lead/ Chair of McDougall Trustees  (Barrie Clayton):

  • Barrie Clayton, Chair of McDougall Trustees has provided regular updates  to Operations, regarding negotiations with  Telus regarding their strong interest in installing a cell tower in our back parking lot. 

  • Operations approved the installation of a ‘Bean Hive’ coffee machine in the front foyer that will provide some revenue to the church and  support the work of Patick Meenagh with his special needs clients. 

D. Related to the work of the Operations Lead /Council Co-chair (Joanne Pritchard)

  • Joanne P.  provided leadership for the planning and implementation of the McDougall AGM in February.

  • Joanne P. prepared and conducted a Congregational Survey in May to gather input from the congregation related to the various options available for increasing revenue and reducing the church’s operational expenses. The survey results were  reviewed by the Leadership Council at their April  meeting. 

Since January, Rev. Joanne has shared her insighsts and provided updates from the Shared Ministry Team (She is the Lead Minister)  as well as from her leadership role as presiding minister for Chinook Winds Regional Council and the emerging collaboration in the South Calgary Cluster group. Rev. Danah, although not required to attend Operations meetings, has participated in the Operations meetings in January, April and May. His participation is always greatly appreciated. 

Respectfully submitted by

Joanne Pritchard, Operations Lead 

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership webpage.

To learn more about Operations, please visit the Operations webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson


Senior’s Lunch Photos