2023 – Marketing and Fundraising Group Quarterly Report

At the Leadership Council in October, I was given the okay to form a Marketing and Fundraising Group at McDougall United. The purpose of this group is two-fold: 1) to increase the amount of money brought in through our current ongoing fundraisers and 2) Look at other fundraising or marketing opportunities that can bring money into the church. I am hoping to use my unique position as Communication Coordinator to help spot opportunities and then help make sure that they happen.  

We might be a new group, but we were able to assist with two fundraisers so far: Mama Mia and selling Reconciliation Mural Bookmarks.

Valerie MacLeod organized a Mama Mia Sing A-Long Event to raise money for the choir in November. The Family Ministry (which I volunteer with) helped to support where we could and partnered with Valerie to provide food for those who wanted to have dinner before the movie. This kind of event shows how multiple groups coming together in partnership allows us to create bigger events then we might be able to on our own.

Then, Right Relations and Family Ministry put on a successful and ongoing bookmark Fundraiser where we sold bookmarks that showcased panels from the Reconciliation Mural. Extra bookmarks were made up and can be purchased through the office. Alternatively, we can print additional ones should the people want ones not available. We are hoping that we can sell more of the bookmarks throughout the year and during the upcoming Chinook Region conference which is held at McDougall this year.  

I am looking to build a team to assist in executing some of the opportunities I see as well as to suggest new ideas. Help can be as part of the organizing committee or on an event-by-event basis. If this is something that you are interested in helping with, please send me an email: sarah@mcdunited.com I would love to hear your ideas and figure out how we can work together! Oh and stay tuned, we have some exciting fundraisers in the works.

Sarah Reuangrith

To learn more about the Marketing and Fundraising Group, please the Marketing and Fundraising Groups webpage.

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council webpage.


The Bean Hive Fundraiser


We Have a Coffee Machine: The Bean Hive has arrived at McDougall!