2022 - Q2 Family & Community Minister Report

Family & Community Ministry 

Community ministry is primarily an outwardly facing ministry that is meant to draw attention to MUC through activities, events, service work, and workshops that have both spiritual components, while also appealing to seekers of all stripes. The ideas I will be pursuing were formed not only in relationship to my gifts, but also took into consideration the gifts/interest of Nik Sloat, as he will be assisting with much of my initial implementation of both  Community and Family aspects of my ministry. Family ministry focus is more inwardly oriented, seeking to serve those already part of MUC community and/or attending on Sunday morning with children. 

Intergenerational Connections 

Like most churches today, the largest demographic we have at McDougall United Church is  seniors. And, as Community and Family minister I have been tasked to draw in people to the church, but also serve the people of the church. That's why I see that working on inter generational workshops/activities could be a good way to build a solid foundation going forward. I recognize that this is not an easy task, but I'm hoping that training I received last month, and also the relationships I've built, can come together to both draw in new people,  and again, serve existing members. 

• Link.Ages training course was take over three weeks, with a final wrap up session scheduled for Aug 15th. 

• Set up a program due to begin in mid Fall 2022 

• Nik Sloats will participate in the fall program as a means to get to know teenagers from Beaver Brook High School 

Creator Kitchen Class 

• Met with, and got feedback from, 10 different members of the church over a two week  training and trouble shooting period. Time together greatly helped Nick and I understand  the nuts and bolts aspects of cooking with several people in the MUC kitchen, but also was  a good time spent getting to know more deeply these members of our faith community 

• After initial tests kitchens were run, and rehearsal with members, we now have curriculum for each of the three different classes. 

• Shopped for and purchased needed supplies 

• Did research on what would be needed to run the class including, but not limited to, understanding supplies we would need, wording of waiver for insurance, and expectations of kids

Messy Church 

In spite of the fact MUC no longer has someone was is specifically tasked to run this program, Sarah Reuangrith and I have continued it through the summer in the hopes to not loose momentum we had gained over the spring. This has been very difficult, and time consuming. However again, it just seemed like letting it go was not a an option. Our intent is to intentionally plan out a template that can then be followed in future by whoever is running programming.  

• Work out formula to follow so that MUC can be a more effect way of connecting those attending to the larger MUC faith community  

• Simplified and streamlined food purchasing 

• Getting better at understanding the different roles of volunteers, to better use their time and gifts 

• Laid out a plan to be repeated annually, for constancy and  

• Worked on ways to add more spiritual components to gatherings 

Art Studio 

• Continue to work on setting up a platform for art/visual workshops in the downstairs  studio.  

• Purchase supplies, and organized all spaces in basement to most effectively implement  programming in fall 

General Coverage 

• Facilitated last two Eat, Think, Play April events solo  

• Attended all meetings pertaining to church functioning 

• Attended staff retreat in April to prepare for Joanne sabbatical, and into the fall

• Attended weekly meeting with Office Administrator, Communications Coordinator 

• Worked with Office administrator answering routine questions of day in and day out needs  of the church 


• Covered Sunday service for Rev. Weaver when he came down with Covid 

• Preach several times, including taking part in Good Friday service 

• Made short videos shared in service about activities of Community Ministries

Pastoral Care 

• Have been working on getting a comprehensive pastoral care system in place to better serve McDougall community 

• Scheduled and met with many members of the community, both at their homes as well as in church. 

• Fielded several cold call pastoral care needs within the faith community, including participating in two interments in our garden, and three people who came into church  from surrounding neighbourhood.  

Mentoring intern Nik Sloat 

• Attended three day seminar at Ambrose College to prepare, and understand our responsibilities in relation to mentoring intern 

• Submitted report on initial impressions of what Nik’s ministry hopes to be, and brief overview of specific to accomplish his objectives 

• Help Nick prepare for homily for scholarship Sunday worship 

• Worked extensively with Nick on preparing rooms downstairs for upcoming youth events 

• Oversaw, and help guide Nick through all aspects of youth church set up including advertising, expectations from McDougall United Church in relation to both youth group,  and aspects of the family ministries on Sunday morning 

• Helped him navigate some of the nuts and bolts aspects of dealing with a large church  structure 

• Sought to provide both practical and spiritual support as he seeks to grow into an  understanding of the affirming ministries of United Church of Canada.  

In Conclusion 

It feels like a great deal of my time and efforts have been spent getting things in place, and  basically reworking all parts of my ministry from the ground up. It seems to me it has been akin to trying to work on fixing a plane while it is actually in flight. It has been frustrating, and also exciting to see the potential of what could be. However, the learning curve I need to  wrap my head around is recognizing what things I can and cannot do given the time constraints. My hope is by next report I will be able to more clearly articulate the successes  I've had, and the impediments I continue to confront.

Respectfully submitted by: Rev. Danah Cox


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2022 - Q2 First Quarter Treasurer’s report