2022 - Q1 Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Quarterly Report (+1 month!) January 2022 – April 2022

The church has some breathing time after Christmas before we gear up for Easter.  This year, I am on sabbatical from May through July (then on holidays) so my first quarter report includes April as well.  It’s a 1st quadrimester of the year (I looked it up)!  


  1. I took a workshop on Music and Anti-racism held by the United Church on January 12th.  It was very informative as we seek to incorporate music from other cultures in culturally appropriate ways.

  2. I was able to have a family holiday in Mexico in February.  Unfortunately, I was randomly chosen to take a post-trip COVID test, and had to isolate for 4 days until I got the results, which meant I wasn’t able to return to church on Feb 27th as planned.

  3. On Tuesday afternoons during Lent (March 8 to April 5) Eat Think Play was lead by me and Danah Cox.  It involved a meal (which Danah cooked – and they were all amazing), a Bible study on a familiar story from Luke which I lead, and a creative Project based on themes that Danah lead.  Approximately 10 people participated – either for 1 week or for all.  We will continue this format during Advent and Lent of each year.

  4. On Thursday evenings during Lent, I lead a book study on Kate Bowler’s book No Cure for Human.  We did this in a hybrid fashion, with some present in the chapel at McDougall, and others on Zoom.  About ten people participated.  It was a truly an intergenerational group, including singles, young mums and grandmas!

  5. I took a 10 day course at the Center for Christian Studies on Relationships.  It was an intensive course on pastoral care with A LOT of reading and daily discussion.  It was a challenge and a blessing to be part of this circle of ministry professionals as they discussed issues relevant to pastoral care in the church.


  1. Each Wednesday, Danah, Sarah, Jen and I meet to discuss McDougall’s ministry and how we can support each other.  It has helped us to not “miss” things when we are promoting and scheduling church events.

  2. Our annual report was prepared in January.  Attended Budget meetings to discuss finances and other things that would be presented at the Annual General Meeting (held February 27th)

  3. Attended Operations Working Group meetings.

  4. Held an all- ministry staff meeting April 25th to plan worship and Events through the Fall (this included Bill Weaver for the Worship discussion, as he will take primary responsibility for Worship while I am on sabbatical). We are well on our way to relaunching a vibrant in person experience at McDougall, while being mindful that some will want to continue to engage online.

  5. Met monthly with Co-Chairs to talk about Ministry at McDougall.  Met with Leadership Council in January and March.

  6. Continued to serve on Chinook Winds Regional Executive.  We met for the first time in  person in March at the Okotoks office.  Also serve on the David Ferguson Music Scholarship Fund which is run through Chinook Winds Region.  We met once during the quadrimester.

  7. Met with the Korean Baptist Church leadership to discuss their rental of our lower space.  We discussed how we are an affirming ministry and the importance of being respectful and welcoming to all in our common spaces.  They were a lovely group and we welcome them to our space.


  1. After going online for Christmas Eve, we stayed with online only services until March 6th when we resumed in person worship.  At the time, people signed up, we required masking and vaccinations, and we limited attendance to 50.  However, when the government eased restrictions on vaccination status and gatherings, we stopped checking vaccination status, although we continued to mask through April and into May.

  2. Bill, Danah and I met and planned Holy Week for McDougall and Ogden.  Although plans included a Maundy Thursday meal and service, registrations were low and it was cancelled.  We held a Good Friday service based on the Solemn Reproaches, an ancient form of service which features Jesus speaking from the Cross.  Thanks to Adam Schlinker, Jen Heidebrecht, Ron Bierwirth, David Swanson and Carol Clayton who read during the service.  Thanks also to Barrie Clayton and the tech team for their help in making a more complex service seamless both in person and online!

  3. Easter Sunday had our best attendance of the season.  It was wonderful to see so many folks.  We held communion during the service and opened Hospitality Hall for our first after church coffee session since the pandemic.  Esther Peterson made the coffee.  McDougall branded coffee mugs with lids were handed out with the idea that in the future, people could bring coffee to the services to sip as we go along, and use it for after service coffee as they like.  If you haven’t got a mug, contact the office.  There are still many available!

  4. We once again brought a choir together for our Easter service, which I helped direct at the service.  Thanks to Tanya for her hard work making this happen – she was able to send parts to all involved which helped in learning the anthems. It was harder to recruit this time, as some are finding it difficult to participate.  However, the smaller but still mighty group was a wonderful addition to our service.  Two of the anthems were SSA as there are more women, and one included men for an SAB anthem.  So appreciated.  We continue to consider how a choir can be a regular part of our services, even if less frequently than we were once used to.  

  5. The Worship Advisory Team met as needed to discuss the COVID situation and other concerns and challenges with worship in general.  They will meet again early May to discuss masking and other concerns going forward.


  1. On January 4th we recorded the baptism of Eloise Matti-Brown (child of Natalie and Christopher)  and Efa Matti-Leighton (child of Nada and Phillip), grandchildren of Joy and Muneer Matti.  Although the families live in England, Natalie and Nada were raised at McDougall, and were pleased to be able to have their baptism while they were visiting Canada.  The baptism was shown in our service on January 9th 

  2. Officiated at the Celebration of Life for Tanya Lawson on January 22nd  (I officiated at her wedding to Graham Price last October). 

  3. Officiated at the Celebration of Life for Alan Scott at McInnis and Holloway Fish Creek on February 15th.  

  4. On April 8th we interred ashes of Ted Steventon in our McDougall Memorial Garden.

  5. On April 14th we interred ashes for Tom Enta in the McDougall Memorial Garden.

  6. On April 20th we interred ashes for Joseph Merveyn Enes (a man from the Acadia community).  Thanks to Danah for stepping in for this as I was snowed in and couldn’t move my car out of my driveway!

  7. A Celebration of Life for Brian Veale was held Wednesday February 2nd.  Unfortunately I was in quarantine waiting for a COVID test result, so Bob Mutlow kindly stepped in.

  8. A Celebration of Life for Keith Hansen was held April 23rd and I was privileged to Officiate.

  9. I officiated at the marriage of Ashley Clearsky and Kyle Snow on January 7th.  We held the service in front of The Reconciliation Tipi in our sanctuary as both Ashley and Kyle are indigenous.

  10. I met with and talked to folks who were in need of pastoral care.  I am still adjusting to this part of my job description.  I trust that we will continue our great pastoral care ministry at McDougall as I find more ease around these duties.

  11. Under our new model of ministry, I have taken over the bulk of pastoral care and have met with the Pastoral Care Committee each month of this year.  Together we are discerning a way to provide caring and timely pastoral care to our congregation with the help of both congregation members and minister.

  12. We had a pastoral care conversation by Zoom on January 16th that was open to the congregation.  We discussed three issues: What is the place of lay people in pastoral care; ways to communicate how to access “minister” care; and possibilities for pastoral care training.

  13. I have been in touch with Geoffrey Simmons of Chinook Winds Regional staff.  He is responsible for hospital visiting in the Region.  In response to requests from McDougall and other Communities of Faith, the Region will be providing general pastoral care training by Zoom sometime this Spring.  In addition, Geoffrey is willing to come to McDougall to teach a general course to all who are interested in pastoral care visiting here at McDougall.  If we go ahead with that, it will likely happen in Fall when I return from my sabbatical.

  14. I checked in with the Friendship Club in April during their card and games event.  Nice to see and chat with a few folks meeting for fun and fellowship.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Anquist


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