2021 - Q4 Operations Working Group Fourth Quarter Report, December 2021

During the fourth quarter of 2021, McDougall’s Operations Working Group met on Zoom on October 14th, November 10th and December 9th to carry out their mandate related to the operational business of the church. Leadership Council members-at-Large Nick Perrin,  Claire Myers and Marilyn  Bates participated as the rotating Member-at-Large for Operations meetings this quarter.  Pat White, another Member-at-Large on the Leadership Council stepped into the role of Operations Convenor in October. Since taking  over the Council Treasurer role last summer, Norma May has competently provided the church’s month-end financial statements for Operations to review each month. My sincere appreciation to all those who participated in the Operations meetings as well as assisting with the related preparation and follow up work this quarter.   

In October, Ministry and Personnel Lead, Peggy Jorgensen, Rev. Joanne Anquist and myself conducted the three-month probationary reviews for both our new Office Administrator, Jenn Heidebrecht, and our new Communications Coordinator Sarah Reuangrith. Both staff members received glowing reviews and the recommendation that they  continue in their positions. 

In October and November, the 2021 Stewardship Campaign team, consisting of Michael Plumb, Sarah Reuangrith, Kelsey Attard, Rev. Bob Mutlow and Karen Chow prepared and implemented the annual campaign encouraging members of our community of faith to continue their strong support that will allow the church to respond to the challenges and opportunities the lie ahead in 2022. Our sincere thanks go to Michael and his team for their willingness to take on this important role for the church. 

In November, Barrie Clayton, Chair of McDougall’s Board of Trustees, brought a recommendation from the Trustees that Operations request a transfer of up to $30,000 from the McDougall Foundation to cover the costs of the Capital maintenance and repairs recommended for the 2021 to 2025 in the Baseline Property Assessment conducted by Pinchin Engineering in 2020 . The trustees also recommended that representatives from Operations, the Trustees  and the Foundation meet to develop  a plan for replenishing funds in the Foundation to meet future capital expenses outlined in the engineering report. After Barrie and I had an initial productive discussion with members of the Foundation, the request for funding in 2022 was made and approval received. Future discussions are anticipated  for the new year regarding the need for more funds to support future Capital Improvement needs . 

This fall, we cautiously re-opened our church facility to renters and have been participating as an ‘operator’ in the provincial government’s Restricted Exemptions Program (REP). Each of our rental group leaders  is now required to sign a letter of agreement that includes the REP requirements related to proof of vaccinations and the wearing of masks. Although  not required for participants in worship services this fall, Operations decided to require that proof of vaccination and mask wearing for al adult in-person attendance at worship services. On December 22,  in response to the upsurge in COVID numbers related to the highly transmissible omicron variant, in-person attendance at worship services was paused until conditions improve. Worship services were moved back to the online recordings format. 

In the new year, members of the McDougall Staff, Council and the Operations team will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions based on our commitment to being a church  in challenging times, but with an equally strong  commitment to the health and safety of our staff and beloved members of our community of faith.  As these darkest days of winter gradually begin to grow lighter, I am optimistic that better days lie ahead.


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